• A day in Seattle
  • 45minuten
  • 12.12.2022
  • Englisch
  • 8
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Jigsaw puz­zle: A day in Se­at­tle

Read the chat in as­si­gned roles
-task: Find out about the men­tio­ned at­tr­ac­tions to tell what Louis and Marie can do in Se­at­tle.

Group 1: Mount Rai­nier Day Tour from Se­at­tle

Du­ra­ti­on: 10 hours

Price: $128

How to get there: by bus

Weather: more fun if sunny

Re­view: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


While in the State of Wa­shing­ton, take a day tour of Mt. Rai­nier Na­tio­nal Park with a hotel pick­up from down­town Se­at­tle. Watch a pre­sen­ta­ti­on about the park at the vi­si­tor cen­ter, and enjoy a jour­ney into the na­tu­ral re­gi­on to see Chris­ti­ne Falls, Na­ra­da Falls, and Mt. Rai­nier. Ex­pe­ri­ence the be­au­ty of this na­tio­nal­ly pre­ser­ved out­door area with help from a guide who knows the best ways around the park.

Make your way in­si­de the park, and ad­mi­re its be­au­ty as you first walk to Chris­ti­ne Falls and then further down the Nis­qual­ly River to the 188-​foot-high (57-​meter-high) Na­ra­da Falls. Last­ly, stop at Pa­ra­di­se, and catch sight of its stun­ning me­a­dows (Wie­sen). Look up to see one of the Casca­de Range’s and Wa­shing­ton’s tal­lest moun­tains, Mt. Rai­nier.

Here you have space to write down ar­gu­ments in fa­vour of the dis­cus­sion:

Group 2: Pri­va­te Wal­king Tour around Se­at­tle

Du­ra­ti­on: 4 hours (fle­xi­ble de­par­tu­re time)

Price: $106

How to get there: wal­king di­s­tance

Weather: sunny would be good

Re­view: ⭐⭐⭐⭐


Join a local Se­at­tle guide for a fully per­so­na­li­zed, pri­va­te tour that’s de­si­gned just for you. With half a day to ex­plo­re along­si­de a guide who sha­res your in­te­rests, you can search for the per­fect cup of cof­fee, dis­co­ver funky neigh­bor­hoods, or brow­se un­i­que shops. Get tips and tricks from your host and ask any ques­ti­ons you have about ex­plo­ring the city.

The iti­ner­a­ry (Rei­se­plan) will be de­si­gned just for you! We could visit well-​known at­tr­ac­tions like Chi­hu­ly Gar­den and Glass, the Mu­se­um of Pop Cu­l­tu­re and the Space Need­le, or maybe you’d pre­fer so­me­thing more off-​beat. See some of Se­at­tle’s ico­nic tou­rist at­tr­ac­tions as well as some se­crets places in and around the city, for ex­am­ple the Olym­pic Scu­lp­tu­re Park, or enjoy a lo­ve­ly neigh­bour­hood and cof­fee shops loved by the lo­cals in Ca­pi­tol Hill.

All in all, it is up to you. If you want to, we can also go to the filming lo­ca­ti­ons of Grey´s Ana­to­my, Se­at­tle Fire­figh­ters, Slee­pless in Se­at­tle or wha­te­ver comes to your mind...

Here you have space to write down ar­gu­ments in fa­vour of the dis­cus­sion:

Group 3: Sea­pla­ne flight

Du­ra­ti­on: 3.30 hours

Price: $200

How to get there: by bus/train

Weather: rain is ok

Re­view: ⭐⭐⭐⭐


Fly from Se­at­tle to Fri­day Har­bor on a 6-​passenger sea­pla­ne, and enjoy spec­ta­cu­lar views of the San Juan Is­lands. Fly­ing over the San Jan Is­lands is a great way to take in the scale of the hund­reds of is­lands, and re­mo­te (ab­ge­le­gen) be­aches that line the Wa­shing­ton coast, and you’ll touch down in the char­ming is­land town of Fri­day Har­bor, which is lin­ked to the main­land by ferry. Fly­ing to San Juan Is­land means more time for ex­plo­ring along the Se­at­tle sky­line and see Bill Gates’ es­ta­te, (An­we­sen) Spot wha­les, ea­gles, and other wild­life from the air and Land at San Juan Is­land’s and Fri­day Har­bor.

Re­view from a Tou­rist: “This is a must du­ring a trip to the Se­at­tle area. The staff (Mit­ar­bei­ter) is ex­cel­lent and very pro­fes­sio­nal. You can­not beat the view and it's ama­zing what you see just a few short mi­nu­tes north of the city. The San Juan Is­lands are ma­gi­cal and I wish we could have spent se­ve­r­al days there (and you can).“

Here you have space to write down ar­gu­ments in fa­vour of the dis­cus­sion:

Group 4: The Bain­bridge Is­land Sight­see­ing

Du­ra­ti­on: 4 hours

Price: $170

How to get there: bus and fairy

(price in­clu­ded)

Weather: pre­fer­red sunny

Re­view: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


Learn some great his­to­ri­cal facts, and see how the is­land comes to life on all sides. As we guide you across the is­land, we'll give you ever­ything you need to know about Bain­bridge Is­land. Re­mem­ber to bring your ca­me­ra, we'll make a few stops to cap­tu­re the best. Join us to crea­te me­mories you can che­rish (schät­zen) for a life­time. We pro­mi­se you won’t re­gret booking this tour of Bain­bridge Is­land.

Pass by: Ma­ni­tou Beach Views of Se­at­tle and of be­au­ti­ful Mount Rai­nier.

Stop at: Fay Bain­bridge Park. Here our guide will help you find wild­life. This stop is also on the Whale Trail. If we are lucky we may see some orcas!

Pass by: Port Madi­son. Here you will learn about his­to­ri­cal facts.

Stop at: Hall's Hill La­by­rinth. Here you will fol­low your tour guide while they show you how to na­vi­ga­te a man made la­by­rinth.

Stop at: Creo­so­te Place Nor­theast. Take in views of Se­at­tle and watch the fer­ries co­ming in and out of the har­bor. It’s quite a dif­fe­rent view off of the ferry and on the beach!

Here you have space to write down ar­gu­ments in fa­vour of the dis­cus­sion:

Tra­vel Guide - Se­at­tle

Crea­te a tra­vel guide for a day in Se­at­tle with the fol­lo­wing con­di­ti­ons. Dis­cuss your sche­du­le with the other groups.

Du­ra­ti­on: bet­ween break­fast (8 a.m.) and din­ner (8 p.m.)

Weather: 60 F

- Mor­ning: rainy

- Af­ter­no­on: sunny

- Eve­ning: sunny

Bud­get: $ 300

Eva­lua­ti­on Sheet-​ Se­at­tle

List of use­ful phra­ses for dis­cus­sions

- I agree I dis­agree with you...
- You can see the po­si­ti­ve side too, can’t you?
- I am not going to chan­ge my mind un­less you can re­al­ly con­vin­ce me!
- Why can’t you see the big­ger pic­tu­re?
- I can re­la­te to both sides
- In my opi­ni­on...
- The main pro­blem (with this ac­ti­vi­ty) is...
- That is a very im­portant
good point

- Yes, but on the other hand...

- I don’t quite agree with you.

Did he/she use use­ful phra­ses?

a) Check the box that you think ap­plies. ☹️🙁😐🙂😄

b) Give rea­sons why it ap­plies.

Which ar­gu­ments did he/she use?

a) Check the box that you think ap­plies. ☹️🙁😐🙂😄

b) Give rea­sons why it ap­plies.

How was his/her be­ha­viour du­ring the dis­cus­sion?

Look at: ge­s­tures, po­li­te­ness,

voice (loud, quiet)

a) Check the box that you think ap­plies. ☹️🙁😐🙂😄

b) Give rea­sons why it ap­plies.
