• The Boroughs of New York City
  • 45minuten
  • 28.12.2022
  • Englisch
  • 8
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The Bo­roughs of New York City

Read the text ca­re­ful­ly and fill out the table on page 2.

New York City, the city that never sleeps, is made up of five bo­roughs: Brook­lyn, Man­hat­tan, Queens, The Bronx and Sta­ten Is­land.

In the south of Brook­lyn, you can find the neigh­borhood Coney Is­land. It has an amu­se­ment park with many rides and at­trac­tions right at the beach. Ano­ther fa­mous at­trac­tion is the Brook­lyn Bo­ta­nic Gar­den which is home to over 12,000 kinds of plants. Howe­ver, the Brook­lyn Bridge is most li­kely the best-​known sight in Brook­lyn. It is about 1.8 ki­lo­me­ters long and con­nects Brook­lyn with Man­hat­tan. Man­hat­tan is sur­roun­ded by the East River in the east and the Hud­son River in the west. It is li­kely the most po­pu­lar bo­rough of New York City. About 1.6 mil­li­on people live there even though the bo­rough is only 88 squa­re ki­lo­me­ters in size. So, it comes to no sur­pri­se that de­spi­te the fact that it is the smal­lest bo­rough by land, it is still the most den­se­ly po­pu­la­ted bo­rough of NYC.

Queens has about 2.3 mil­li­on in­ha­bi­tants and a couple of nice things to do. Per­haps the most fa­mous at­trac­tion is Flushing Me­a­dows Park. The Park is very big and home to many dif­fe­rent sights like the Us Open ten­nis tour­na­ment, the New York Mets base­ball team and the New York Hall of Sci­ence. The New York Hall of Sci­ence has over 450 in­ter­ac­ti­ve dis­plays for child­ren.

The Bronx, well-​known as the bir­th­place of rap and hip-​hop and lo­ca­ted north-​east of Man­hat­tan, has the second-​smallest po­pu­la­ti­on with around 1.4 mil­li­on in­ha­bi­tants.

The most fa­mous at­trac­tion on Sta­ten Is­land is the Sta­ten Is­land Ferry which con­nects Sta­ten Is­land to lower Man­hat­tan and goes past the Sta­tue of Li­ber­ty. The ferry ope­ra­tes 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with boats lea­ving every 15 to 30 mi­nu­tes. The Se­a­si­de Wild­life Na­tu­re Park is ano­ther well-​known at­trac­tion be­cau­se of its huge ocean-​inspired play­ground.

Brook­lyn Bridge, NYC
Sta­tue of Li­ber­ty

The Bo­roughs of New York City

Read the text ca­re­ful­ly and fill out the table on page 2.

New York City, the city that never sleeps, is made up of five bo­roughs: Brook­lyn, Man­hat­tan, Queens, The Bronx and Sta­ten Is­land.

Brook­lyn, named after the Dutch vil­la­ge of Breu­kelen, is the se­cond­lar­gest bo­rough by land. Ne­verthe­less, it has the big­gest po­pu­la­ti­on with al­most 2.6 mil­li­on in­ha­bi­tants.

Man­hat­tan is pro­bab­ly the most fa­mous bo­rough of New York City. This comes to no sur­pri­se due to the fact that most of New York City’s tou­rist at­trac­tions are lo­ca­ted in Man­hat­tan. One of them is the Em­pire State Buil­ding. It was built from 1930 to 1931 and is 443 me­ters tall. Ano­ther fa­mous sky­scra­per is the One World Trade Cen­ter, which cur­rent­ly is the tal­lest buil­ding in the United Sta­tes. It was built next to the ori­gi­nal World Trade Cen­ters, which were de­s­troy­ed du­ring 9/11. Be­si­des many sky­scra­pers, Man­hat­tan is also known for Cen­tral Park where many mo­vies are pro­du­ced.

If you ever fly to New York City, Queens is pro­bab­ly the first bo­rough you will visit. That’s be­cau­se John F. Ken­ne­dy and La­Guar­dia air­port are lo­ca­ted there. Thus, it comes to no sur­pri­se that Queens is the lar­gest bo­rough by land.

The Bronx is home of the Bronx Zoo, the big­gest zoo in New York City. Over two mil­li­on people visit it every year. Be­si­des the lar­gest Zoo you can also find the lar­gest park of New York City named Pel­ham Bay Park. It even has two golf cour­ses. Last but not least, The Bronx is home to the New York Yan­kees base­ball team who have won the World Se­ries 27 times.

The fifth bo­rough is Sta­ten Is­land which is often cal­led “the for­got­ten bo­rough” be­cau­se it is less known than the other bo­roughs. Ad­di­ti­o­nal­ly, it is the least po­pu­la­ted bo­rough with only 474 thousand in­ha­bi­tants.

Em­pire State Buil­ding
One World Trade Cen­ter
Read the text ca­re­ful­ly and fill out the table on page 2.



at­trac­tions / sights

other in­for­ma­ti­on


2.6 mil­li­on

Coney Is­land

Brook­lyn Bo­ta­nic gar­den

Brook­lyn Bridge

named after Breu­kelen

second-​largest bo­rough by land


1.6 mil­li­on

Em­pire State Buil­ding

One World Trade Cen­ter

Cen­tral Park

sur­roun­ded by East River and Hud­son River, most po­pu­lar bo­rough most den­se­ly po­pu­la­ted smal­lest bo­rough by land (88 km²)


2.3 mil­li­on

Flushing Me­a­dow Park (US Open ten­nis tour­na­ment, New York Mets and New York Hall of Sci­ence)

two major air­ports

lar­gest bo­rough by land

The Bronx

1.4 mil­li­on

Bronx Zoo

Pel­ham Bay Park

New York Yan­kees base­ball team

bir­th­place of rap and hip-​hop north-​east of Man­hat­tan)

se­cond smal­lest po­pu­la­ti­on

Sta­ten Is­land

474 thousand

Sta­ten Is­land Ferry

Se­a­si­de Wild­life Na­tu­re Park

cal­led “the for­got­ten bo­rough”

least po­pu­la­ted

Talk to your part­ner and ask for the pieces of in­for­ma­ti­on that you are mis­sing. The hel­pful phra­ses below might help you. Com­ple­te your table.
Fill in the names of the bo­roughs on the map.

Hel­pful phra­ses:
“How many people live in ... ?”

“What are the at­trac­tions in ..…?”

“Do you have any other in­for­ma­ti­on about ... ?”

→ “... people live in ...”

→ “The at­trac­tions in ... are ..…”

→ “An in­te­resting fact about ..… is ...”
