• Road trippin' South Africa - Milestone #1 Getting to know South Africa PV
  • Sascha Lesum
  • 30.06.2020
  • Englisch
  • 9, 10
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CONGRATULATIONS!!! You and your best friend have been chosen to take part in our new Road trippin’ competition. You will get 1.500€ travel cash each for your five weeks long road trip across South Africa.

The only requirements you have to fulfill are:

1) to plan the virtual trip on your own under real-life conditions

2) to visit at least five amazing locations in South Africa

3) to use only the money you were given or you earned on your trip

4) to write an online travel blog during your fascinating journey across South Africa to inform the readers of our new online travel magazine Road trippin' about your amazing trip.

When your back from your journey, you have to present your

road trip in front of our magazine staff, which will then vote for

the winner of the famous ROAD TRIPPIN' CUP.

                       GOOD LUCK AND HAVE A GREAT ROAD TRIP!!!

Getting to know South Africa

Before you start planning your travel route, you have to get to know your road trip country better. It's your job to create a mindmap about South Africa together with your mate and the other competitors.

Hier könnte der QR-Code für eine kollaborative Mindmap, wie z.B. auf flinga.fi stehen.

Spin the decision wheel to find out your two subtopics for your research.
Use the qr-code to open the collaborative mindmap on flinga.fi.
Use the given qr-codes to start your Internet research. Find at least five key pieces of information about your subtopic.
If you find other useful Internet sources besides those on the qr-codes, post them also on the flinga bord.