• E 9e Rak: Tandem-Practice 1
  • anonym
  • 30.06.2020
  • Allgemeine Hochschulreife
  • Englisch
  • 9
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  • Take turns in re­a­ding the sen­ten­ces to each other. De­ci­de whe­ther to use parti­ci­ples or in­fi­ni­ti­ves for the words in bra­ckets. Your part­ner has the right so­lu­ti­ons for your exer­ci­se and can check whe­ther you use the new struc­tu­re cor­rect­ly → Do help each other!

  • Ha­ving worked in the cof­fee bar all day, Marco comes home and he is ex­haus­ted. He had quite a busy day and he tells his mum about it...

Part­ner A - exer­ci­se

Part­ner B - so­lu­ti­ons

  • You won’t be­lie­ve it, mum, but today was crazy! When I ar­ri­ved at the cof­fee bar this mor­ning, I heard the phone (ring).

  • I was a litt­le con­fu­sed, but I just star­ted pre­pa­ring break­fast. After a while, I noti­ced so­me­o­ne (look) th­rough the shop win­dows.

  • He told me that our wai­tress Lily had cal­led ear­lier to tell me that she was ill. He said when he heard her (moan) and (hang up) the phone, he de­ci­ded to help her out and go to work for her.

  • When I gave Jim his work clo­thes and asked him to cut the cake, I could feel him (start) to lose his con­fi­dence.

  • After we fi­nis­hed pre­pa­ring food and drinks, we ope­ned the cof­fee bar and the first custo­mers came. I had noti­ced Jim (get) more con­fi­dent with his litt­le cho­res, so I felt mys­elf (get) less wor­ried as well.

  • Today was a com­ple­te dis­as­ter! But still, Jim worked very hard and I saw him (do) his best all day.

  • ... I could only hear so­me­o­ne moan and hang up the phone.

  • I saw him wave at me...

  • ... but I noti­ced him get­ting...

  • ... I wat­ched him cut... ar­ran­ge... I had even noti­ced him give a short smile.

  • ... I heard a lot of cof­fee cups fall down, I saw Jim spill juice ... I heard custo­mers com­plai­ning...

  • … I just can’t see mys­elf working...

  • Take turns in re­a­ding the sen­ten­ces to each other. Your part­ner has the right so­lu­ti­ons for your exer­ci­se and can check whe­ther you use the new struc­tu­re cor­rect­ly → Do help each other!

  • Ha­ving worked in the cof­fee bar all day, Marco comes home and he is ex­haus­ted. He had quite a busy day and he tells his mum about it...

Part­ner B - exer­ci­se

Part­ner A - so­lu­ti­ons

  • ... I heard the phone rin­ging.

  • ... I noti­ced so­me­o­ne loo­king ...

  • ...he heard her moan and hang up the phone...

  • ... I could feel him star­ting to ...

  • ... I had noti­ced Jim get­ting... I felt mys­elf get­ting...

  • ... I saw him doing...
  • I quick­ly ans­we­red it, but no one spoke, I could only hear so­me­o­ne (moan) and (hang up) the phone.

  • I saw him (wave) at me, so I wal­ked over and ope­ned the door for him.

  • He in­tro­du­ced hims­elf as Jim. I told him that I was very glad he’d come and asked Jim whe­ther he had any ex­pe­ri­ence working in a cof­fee bar. He said that he did, but I noti­ced him (get) a litt­le wor­ried.

  • But then I wat­ched him (cut) the first pieces of cake ca­re­ful­ly and (ar­ran­ge) them on the coun­ter and I thought that I had even noti­ced him (give) a short smile.

  • But then… Well, to sum it up: I heard a lot of cof­fee cups (fall) down, I saw Jim (spill) juice ever­y­whe­re and I heard custo­mers (com­plai­ning) about the ser­vice all the time.

  • I’m so sorry, mum, but after days like this… I just can’t see mys­elf (work) in a cof­fee bar for the rest of my life!