• East is East: Characterising Tariq, Maneer and Abdul
  • MareikeWempen
  • 30.06.2020
  • Allgemeine Hochschulreife
  • Englisch
  • 11
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While wat­ching, take notes on the fol­lo­wing aspects of Tariq and Ma­neer:
  • Scene (18:49-19:17):
    Point out the si­gni­fican­ce of Ma­neer's re­ac­tion to Sa­leem's dra­wing.

  • Scene (40:20-42:05):
    Ex­plain the fact that Tariq is known to the door­man as Tony and de­scri­be his be­ha­viour at the disco.

  • Scene (46:45-47:30):
    Com­pa­re Tariq's and Ma­neer's be­ha­viour when get­ting ready .

  • Scene (55:30-59:50)
    Ana­ly­se Tariq's be­ha­viour when fin­ding his father's chest and Ma­neer's ac­tions after that.
Out­line Abdul's be­ha­viour in the fol­lo­wing sce­nes. Take notes.
  • At the disco (38:40-42:05)

  • Tal­king about the mar­ri­a­ge ( 1:02:15-1:03:42)

  • At the pub (01:10:30 - 01:11:15)
In groups of 4 or 5, crea­te a free­ze frame sho­wing the re­la­ti­on­ship bet­ween Tariq, Abdul and Ma­neer.