• 11 FOS
  • EdaYig
  • 17.09.2024
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Vocab: Teen­ager - Find your Match


Your task is to find the per­son with the cor­rect trans­la­ti­on of your word (Eng­lish/Ger­man pair) wit­hout spe­a­king.

You can only look at the other per­son's card to see if it matches your trans­la­ti­on.

Once you find your part­ner, work toge­ther to come up with a clear de­fi­ni­ti­on or ex­pla­na­ti­on of your word in Eng­lish.

When ever­y­o­ne is fi­nis­hed, each pair will read out their de­fi­ni­ti­on, and the rest of the class will try to guess what the word is.

Good luck!
Po­si­ti­ve Feed­back...

I re­al­ly like about your sum­ma­ry that you...

I think it is good that...

You did well on...


I think you could re­vi­se / im­pro­ve the floo­wing...

I think it would be bet­ter...

Try to make use of...
