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  • anonym
  • 30.06.2020
  • Allgemeine Hochschulreife
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Get to know each other by as­king ques­ti­ons on ho­li­day and tra­vel­ling!
  • Walk around and find people to write down on your bingo card.
  • Once you have five names in a row (ho­ri­zon­tal­ly, ver­ti­cal­ly or dia­go­nal­ly), call out Bingo!

Find so­me­o­ne who(se)...

... went on ho­li­day by car this sum­mer.

... went to the North Sea in sum­mer.

... play­ed foot­ball du­ring the sum­mer break.

... went hi­king in the moun­tains this sum­mer.

... slept in a tent du­ring the ho­li­days.

... has ever been to the USA.

... has been to a mu­se­um in sum­mer.

... has been to a theme park du­ring the sum­mer break.

... has ever been to Scot­land.

... bir­th­day was in the ho­li­days.

... went to the Ne­ther­lands for ho­li­days.

... spoke Eng­lish du­ring the sum­mer break.

... went ca­no­e­ing in sum­mer.

... went to the ci­ne­ma in sum­mer.

... has ever been to Eng­land.

... went swim­ming in a lake du­ring the ho­li­days.

... read a book in the ho­li­days.

... went to a Ger­man city for ho­li­day.

... went on ho­li­day by plane this sum­mer.

... spent the ho­li­days in Spain.

... has ever been to Aus­tra­lia.

... went on ho­li­day by train this sum­mer.

... has ever been to Scan­di­na­via.

... went to the Erka-​Bad du­ring sum­mer.

... wat­ched a film in Eng­lish du­ring the ho­li­days.
