• Sally's food
  • pikous
  • 30.06.2020
  • Englisch
  • 1. Ausbildungsjahr
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I get up at 7 o'clock and then I eat break­fast. I have corn­flakes and I al­ways drink cocoa. I don't like cof­fee so I never drink it.

I usu­al­ly eat lunch at school. I nor­mal­ly have bread, but­ter, chee­se or ham and to­mato­es in my lunch­box. I often drink milk for lunch. So­me­times I go to the school ca­fe­te­ria when they have pizza or spa­ghet­ti. I like Ita­li­an food.

At home I usu­al­ly eat din­ner with my fa­mi­ly at 4 o’clock. That's when my dad comes home from work. We often have po­ta­to­es, fish and a salad for din­ner. Then I drink mi­ne­ral water or apple juice.

At the weekends I usu­al­ly eat a des­sert. I like apple pies very much and I love ice-​cream! Cho­co­la­te is my fa­vou­ri­te fla­vour but I also like va­nil­la and stra­w­ber­ry.

I so­me­times eat sup­per in the evening, usu­al­ly in front of the TV. Then I have a roll with but­ter and jam. I also like honey a lot.

In the evening I often drink cocoa or milk.


ca­fe­te­ria = Kan­ti­ne,

des­sert = Nach­spei­se,

fla­vour = Ge­schmack

Schrei­be die fett­ge­druck­ten Wör­ter aus dem Text unter die Bil­der.
Rich­tig oder falsch? Kor­ri­gie­re die fal­schen Sätze.




Sally al­ways eats break­fast at 8 o’clock at school.

She usu­al­ly eats lunch at school.

She has toast and po­ta­to­es in her lunch­box.

She usu­al­ly eats din­ner at 5 o’clock with her fa­mi­ly.

Her dad comes home from work at 4 o'clock.

Sally doesn't like apple juice.

She has po­ta­to­es, fish and a salad for din­ner.

She never eats des­serts at the weekends.

Her fa­vou­ri­te ice-​cream fla­vour is stra­w­ber­ry.

She so­me­times eats a roll in front of the TV.

Wie steht es um deine Ess­ge­wohn­hei­ten? Schrei­be auf, was du immer so isst.
  • write about your break­fast, your lunch and your din­ner
  • use ad­verbs of fre­quen­cy: often, so­me­times, usu­al­ly, ...
  • write what you love, like or don't like