• Your turn: be creative!
  • anonym
  • 30.06.2020
  • Allgemeine Hochschulreife
  • Englisch
  • 10
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Sce­na­rio: You are a fa­mous in­flu­en­cer on you­tube and in­sta­gram. WWF and Unicef are plan­ning a cam­pai­gn toge­ther and they have asked you for your sup­port. The cam­pai­gn is sup­po­sed to ad­dress dif­fe­rent glo­bal is­su­es.
In your groups... :
  • De­ci­de on an issue that you would like to help raise awa­re­ness on.
  • Collect re­le­vant in­for­ma­ti­on on your topic → ide­al­ly, you should have a fair am­mount ready in your fol­der.
  • Sel­ect pieces of in­for­ma­ti­on that you would like to use in your video.
  • Write a script for your video → go to task 2.

Feel free to use this space to note down your sel­ec­ted in­for­ma­ti­on ;)

How to...
write a script.
  • De­scri­be the set! Ex­amp­le:

    The spe­a­ker sits on the floor in front of a purple wall. Next to him, there is a bunch of flow­ers in a vase.

  • Use di­rect speech! Ex­amp­le:

    Ju­li­en: Wel­co­me to my new video, guys! Today's topic is very se­rious, I'm sorry to tell you that...

  • Use stage di­rec­tions! Ex­amp­le:

    Ju­li­en turns his back to the ca­me­ra and stops spe­a­king. The ca­me­ra angle chan­ges from top to bot­tom.

  • For the struc­tu­re: Keep in mind what you know about the AIDA prin­ciple - it works just as fine with vi­de­os! Use it!