• Introducing somebody 2
  • pikous
  • 30.06.2020
  • Mittlere Reife
  • Englisch
  • 1. Ausbildungsjahr
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Stel­le dich selbst oder einen Freund (Freun­de) in Form eines Tex­tes vor (~ 120 w).
  • Kli­cken Sie dop­pelt oder auf den Stift, um den In­halt di­rekt im rech­ten Menü zu be­ar­bei­ten.
  • Nut­zen Sie den roten Zau­ber­pin­sel oben rechts im Menü des Bau­steins, um sei­nen In­halt zu lee­ren.

Aus­künf­te über Namen, Alter, Wohn­ort und Beruf geben:

  • My name is ... / I'm ...
  • I'm ... years old.
  • I live in ...
  • I'm from ...
  • Í am a teacher.
  • I want to be a doc­tor.
  • This is ...
  • He / She is ... years old.
  • He / She lives in ...
  • He / She is from ...
  • He / She is a bus dri­ver.
  • He / She wants to be a ...
  • These are ... and ...
  • They are ... years old.
  • They live in ...
  • They are from ...
  • They are far­mers.
  • They want to be ...

Das Aus­se­hen be­schrei­ben:

  • I am tall / short / slim.
  • I have got ...
  • My hair is blond / black.
  • My ... are big / blue.
  • I like wea­ring ...
  • I often wear ...
  • He / She is happy / sad.
  • He / She has got ...
  • His / Her hair is brown.
  • His / Her ... are long.
  • He / She likes wea­ring ...
  • He / She never wears ...
  • They are twins / sib­lings.
  • They have got ...
  • Their hair is gin­ger.
  • Their ... are small.
  • They like wea­ring ...
  • They usu­al­ly wear ...

Täg­li­che oder wö­chent­li­che Ab­läu­fe be­schrei­ben:

  • On Mon­day / Tu­es­day I ...
  • At the weekend I ...
  • Du­ring the week I ...
  • In the mor­ning I ...
  • I ... three times a week.
  • On ... he / she plays ...
  • On Fri­day he / she ...
  • Du­ring the day he / she ...
  • In the evening he / she ...
  • He / she ... once a year.
  • On ... they go ...
  • On Sa­tur­day they ...
  • Du­ring the win­ter they ...
  • In the af­ter­noon they ...
  • They ... twice a day.

Be­schrei­ben, was man (nicht) kann:

  • I can ... (a litt­le bit).
  • I can­not / can't ...
  • He / She can ... (very well).
  • He / She  can­not / can't ...
  • They can ... (very well).
  • They can't ... (very well).

Be­schrei­ben, was man (nicht) mag:

  • I love / like ... (++, +)
  • I don't like / hate ... (-, )
  • He / She loves / likes ...
  • ... doesn't like / hates ...
  • They love / like ...
  • They don't like / hate ...

Nach can wird immer die Nenn­form (ohne

-s) des Zeit­wor­tes an­ge­hängt.

My sis­ter can dance.

They can't jugg­le.

I can play the drums.


Bei he, she und it wird in der Ge­gen­wart ein

-s an das Zeit­wort an­ge­hängt.


He, she, it ->

ein -s geht mit!


Nach love, like und hate wird an das Zeit­wort immer ein

-ing an­ge­hängt.

He likes singing.

I love playing foot­ball.

They hate dancing.

Kreu­ze an, was du (nicht) kannst und ob du es magst, oder nicht.
Schrei­be einen kur­zen Be­richt über deine Ta­len­te und Vor­lie­ben (Ab­nei­gun­gen).
don't like
play cards
play vol­ley­ball
climb trees
play the trum­pet
read books
In­ter­viewe dei­nen Sitz­nach­barn, was er (nicht) kann, und was er (nicht) mag.
Stel­le die Fra­gen (im Flüs­ter­ton) fol­gen­der­ma­ßen:
1. Can you play the vi­o­lin? + Yes, I can. - No, I can't.
2. Do you like playing the vi­o­lin? ++ Yes, I love it. + Yes, I do. - No, I don't. - - No, I hate it.
Schrei­be da­nach einen Be­richt über dei­nen Sitz­nach­barn.
don't like
play com­pu­ter games
watch TV