• Passive Voice
  • anonym
  • 30.06.2020
  • Englisch
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Simp­le Fu­ture Pas­si­ve

When do we use it?

- Used when the re­cei­ver of the ac­tion is more im­portant then the doer of the ac­tion

- Used when the doer of the ac­tion is un­k­nown or we do not want the doer to be known

- Used when it is ob­vious who the doer is and it does not need to be men­ti­o­ned

- Used when the doer is ir­rele­vant

- Used when wri­ting for cer­tain gen­res, such as sci­ence re­ports or aca­de­mic jour­nals

Trans­for­ma­ti­on from ac­ti­ve sen­ten­ces to pas­si­ve:

In ac­ti­ve sen­ten­ces the sub­ject of the sen­tence is the doer of the ac­tion.

In pas­si­ve sen­ten­ces the re­cei­ver ofthe ac­tion oc­curs in the sub­ject po­si­ti­on and the doer moves to a so­me­times op­ti­o­nal by-​phrase in the ob­ject po­si­ti­on







will write

a let­ter


A let­ter

will be writ­ten

by Sarah

In the ac­ti­ve sen­tence above, the let­ter is the re­cei­ver of the ac­tion. In the pas­si­ve the let­ter is now the sub­ject of the sen­tence.

Sarah in the ac­ti­ve sen­tence is the doer of the verb. In the pas­si­ve sen­tence Sarah be­co­mes the ob­ject of the pre­po­si­ti­on 'by'.


Ac­ti­ve: Sub­ject + will/shall +first form of the verb + ob­ject

Pas­si­ve: Ob­ject of the ac­ti­ve sen­tence+ will/shall + be + past parti­ciple form of the verb (+ by + sub­ject of the ac­ti­ve sen­tence)

Ge­ne­ral­ly, only sen­ten­ces that con­tain a tran­si­ti­ve verb can be made pas­si­ve as these al­ways have an ob­ject which is nee­ded when con­struc­ting a sen­tence in the pas­si­ve voice.

It the­re­fo­re fol­lows that in­tran­si­ti­ve verbs (e.g. come, walk) which do not have an ob­ject can­not be writ­ten in the pas­si­ve. This also ap­plies to me­a­su­re verbs (e.g. cost, weigh).


Han­nah will come to the mee­ting -> The mee­ting will be come to Han­nah

The ring will cost a lot of money -> A lot of money will cost by this ring

Form the ac­ti­ve sen­ten­ces into the pas­si­ve:
  • Ac­ti­ve: 'All the school girls will wear skirts for the con­cert.'
  • Ac­ti­ve: 'Our boss will sign the con­tract.'
  • Ac­ti­ve: 'They will start ser­ving lunch at 1 p.m.'
Can these sen­ten­ces be for­med in the pas­si­ve?
'She will die to­mor­row.'

why not?

'The car will be ex­pen­si­ve.'

why not?

'The teachers will test the samp­les.'

why not?

'He will earn a lot of money.'

why not?

'This mon­key will weigh a lot.'

why not?
