• Review: Cohesion and connections
  • annesteensig
  • 30.06.2020
  • Englisch
  • C1
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De­scri­bes one of the ways in which sen­ten­ces and/or ut­ter­an­ces are lin­ked toge­ther. Co­he­si­on or en­do­pho­ric con­nec­tions have their ma­ni­fi­sta­ti­on in the sen­tence/ut­ter­ance its­elf.

E.g.: Susan got pregnant and she mar­ri­ed.

Here, the pro­noun she re­fers to Susan, which is a con­nec­tion that con­tri­bu­tes to co­he­si­on.


De­scri­bes one of the ways in which sen­ten­ces or ut­ter­an­ces are lin­ked toge­ther. Co­he­rence or exo­pho­ric con­nec­tions are based on know­ledge or in­for­ma­ti­on out­si­de of the sen­tence/ut­ter­ance.

E.g.: Susan got pregnant and she mar­ri­ed.

Here, it is pos­si­ble to in­ter­pret, that Susan pro­bab­ly got mar­ri­ed be­cau­se of her pregnan­cy.

Co­he­si­on - Con­nec­tors

Con­nec­tors play an im­portant role in crea­ting co­he­si­on in our units of speech or wri­ting. One form of con­nec­tors are known as coor­di­na­ting con­junc­tions. Their func­tion is to con­nect two or more sen­ten­ces, main clau­ses, words, or other parts of equal­ly im­portant speech units. There are seven coor­di­na­ting con­junc­tions, as seen on the pic­tu­re below.

A good way of lear­ning how to re­co­q­ni­ze coor­di­na­ting con­junc­tions, is by fin­ding a way to re­mem­ber them. Take a look at the words on the pic­tu­re. Eit­her alone, or with a part­ner, try to fi­gu­re out which words you can crea­te by ta­king the first let­ter of each of the 7 coor­di­na­ting con­junc­tions.

Write down your words, and think about which one is the ea­siest for you to re­mem­ber.

Con­nect the sen­ten­ces using coor­di­na­ting con­junc­tions.
  • There can be more than one cor­rect op­ti­on for each sen­tence. 3 op­ti­ons are given after each sen­tence as a help.


I hate to waist a drop of gas. Gas is so ex­pen­si­ve now a days. (for, yet, so)

I hate to waist a drop of gas, for gas is so ex­pen­si­ve now a days.

1 Char­lot­te en­joys play­ing foot­ball. Char­lot­te finds ten­nis ex­tre­me­ly bo­ring. (but, and, nor)

2 Would you like ham in your sand­wich? Would you like beef in your sand­wich? (and, nor, or)

3 I am all­er­gic to dogs. I have three dogs. (or, yet, so)

Fill in the blanks with the cor­rect coor­di­na­ting con­junc­tion.

1. I wan­ted to go to the beach, Tim thought it was too cold.

2: Julia is a ve­ge­ta­ri­an, she does not eat any meat.

3: School is al­most over I am thin­king about ta­king a long va­ca­ti­on. Would you like to join me, do you need to work this sum­mer?

4: The stu­dents did not enjoy all the lec­tures, did they enjoy the long texts they had to read the dif­fi­cult exams.


Coor­di­na­ting con­junc­tions con­nects two sen­ten­ces, main clau­ses, or words that are equal­ly im­portant.

Re­mem­ber to think about co­he­si­on: what me­a­ning is meant to be con­nec­ted?
