• Beat it - Michael Jackson - leer
  • HerrSauer
  • 30.06.2020
  • Mittlere Reife
  • Englisch
  • 9
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Mi­cha­el Jack­son - Beat it

Hier den Song­text von Beat it ein­fü­gen.

Hier die zwei­te Hälf­te des Song­texts ein­fü­gen

About beat it

The song Beat it by Mi­cha­el Jack­son was re­leased and very fa­mous in the 1980s. The 1980s was seen as a pe­ri­od of ex­ten­si­ve vi­o­lent ac­ti­vi­ties in the US.

Mi­che­al re­pe­a­ted­ly says, Just beat it in the cho­rus. What does that mean?
Read the first verse again.

Ex­plain in a few words: What is the si­tu­a­ti­on?
Read the se­cond verse again.

Ex­plain in a few words:
What is meant by You Wanna Be Tough, Bet­ter Do What You Can?
Read the third verse again.

Ex­plain in a few words:
  • What is the si­tu­a­ti­on/pro­blem?
  • What is the ad­vice to the per­son the song is about?
Read the fourth verse again.

Ex­plain in a few words:
Why should the per­son in the song just beat it ('just igno­re it/leave it')?