• Red Line 4 - p 51 no 3 - Interviewbögen What about you?
  • HerrSauer
  • 30.06.2020
  • Mittlere Reife
  • Englisch
  • 4
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What about your class­ma­tes?

In­ter­view your class­ma­tes and takes notes of what they tell you. Ask her/him ques­ti­ons, if they do not tell you by them­sel­ves.
  • You can ask What are you... crazy about? ... tired of? ... good at?
  • Be ca­re­ful to write down the -​ing-Form!! (ex­amp­le: not to run or run /// Write: run­ning)


crazy about ...

tired of ...

good at ...

in­te­res­ted in ...

not so good at ...

loo­king for­ward to ...

Write a short pro­fi­le about your three part­ner! Say what your part­ner is / isn't good at, crazy about, tired of, in­te­res­ted in, loo­king for­ward to...
  • Ex­amp­le: Mr. Sauer is crazy about filming - he leads the film club. He is tired of loo­king at the bad weather. Mr Sauer is good at lear­ning Eng­lish. ...
Part­ner 1: _________________________________
Part­ner 2: _________________________________
Part­ner 3: _________________________________