• Describing an image
  • damianduchamps
  • 30.06.2020
  • Mittlere Reife
  • Englisch
  • 8
Um die Lizenzinformationen zu sehen, klicken Sie bitte den gewünschten Inhalt an.
Vin­ta­ge Tra­vel Pos­ter On­ta­rio Ca­na­da


To de­scri­be this image also look at the title.

  • What was the image made for?
  • What does it show?
  • Who is it from?
  • What does it show?

The image "Vin­ta­ge Tra­vel Pos­ter On­ta­rio Ca­na­da" was made for ... It was made to show people ... It isn't a pho­to­graph, it's a ... The pos­ter is about ... To make your de­scrip­ti­on more in­te­resting use: In the fo­re­ground/back­ground/midd­le ground you can see/ there is/are ...On the right/left side ...There is/are ... on the right/left side.Next to the ... there is/are ...Be­hind/ in front of ... there is/are ...The color of ... is The weather is ...It all looks very ...
