• Role cards - Arming teachers
  • anonym
  • 30.06.2020
  • Allgemeine Hochschulreife
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Senior student
  • You do not want any firearms at school
  • You detest the NRA for promoting gun rights
  • You think the only way to stop mass shootings is banning firearms

  • Homework: Prepare yourself for the discussion by taking notes on arguments and counter-arguments!
    Research Emma Gonzáles and We call BS! on Google and Youtube for more input and arguments.
Highschool principal

  • You do want to arm your teachers for the children's safety
  • You are a member of the NRA and you generally support gun rights
  • You think banning firearms will not prevent mass shootings

  • Homework: Prepare yourself for the discussion by taking notes on arguments and counter-arguments!
    Research Wayne Lapierre's and Dana Loesch's reactions to the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in Parkland on Google and Youtube for more input and arguments.
Highschool teacher
  • You are not against gun rights in general, but
    You strongly oppose bearing a gun at school
  • You find it already hard to deal with all your responsibilities as a teacher
  • You are sceptical about the funding of additional armed guards for schools

  • Homework: Prepare yourself for the discussion by taking notes on arguments and counter-arguments!
    Reserach Donald Trump's opinion on arming teachers and the National Education Association's reaction to his proposal on Google and Youtube for more input and arguments.
Discussion leader

• Your task is to introduce the topic
and to keep the discussion going

  • • For your preparation consider...

    What do the different parties want?
    How can they justify their interests?
    How can they justify neglecting others‘ interests?
    How does their background information support their arguments?

  • Homework: Prepare for the debate and do some research for background information! For ideas check the role cards of the different parties.