• Role cards - Arming teachers
  • anonym
  • 30.06.2020
  • Allgemeine Hochschulreife
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Se­ni­or stu­dent
  • You do not want any fire­arms at school
  • You de­test the NRA for pro­mo­ting gun rights
  • You think the only way to stop mass shoo­tings is ban­ning fire­arms

  • Ho­me­work: Pre­pa­re yours­elf for the dis­cus­sion by ta­king notes on ar­gu­ments and counter-​arguments!
    Re­se­arch Emma Gonzáles and We call BS! on Goog­le and You­tube for more input and ar­gu­ments.
High­school prin­ci­pal

  • You do want to arm your teachers for the child­ren's safe­ty
  • You are a mem­ber of the NRA and you ge­ne­ral­ly sup­port gun rights
  • You think ban­ning fire­arms will not pre­vent mass shoo­tings

  • Ho­me­work: Pre­pa­re yours­elf for the dis­cus­sion by ta­king notes on ar­gu­ments and counter-​arguments!
    Re­se­arch Wayne La­pier­re's and Dana Loesch's re­ac­tions to the Mar­jo­ry Stone­man Dou­glas High School shoo­ting in Park­land on Goog­le and You­tube for more input and ar­gu­ments.
High­school teacher
  • You are not against gun rights in ge­ne­ral, but
    You stron­gly op­po­se bea­ring a gun at school
  • You find it al­re­a­dy hard to deal with all your re­spon­si­bi­li­ties as a teacher
  • You are scepti­cal about the fun­ding of ad­di­ti­o­nal armed guards for schools

  • Ho­me­work: Pre­pa­re yours­elf for the dis­cus­sion by ta­king notes on ar­gu­ments and counter-​arguments!
    Re­serach Do­nald Trump's opi­ni­on on ar­ming teachers and the Na­ti­o­nal Edu­ca­ti­on As­so­ci­a­ti­on's re­ac­tion to his pro­po­sal on Goog­le and You­tube for more input and ar­gu­ments.
Dis­cus­sion lea­der

• Your task is to in­tro­du­ce the topic
and to keep the dis­cus­sion going

  • • For your pre­pa­ra­ti­on con­sider...

    What do the dif­fe­rent par­ties want?
    How can they ju­stify their in­te­rests?
    How can they ju­stify ne­glec­ting others‘ in­te­rests?
    How does their back­ground in­for­ma­ti­on sup­port their ar­gu­ments?

  • Ho­me­work: Pre­pa­re for the de­ba­te and do some re­se­arch for back­ground in­for­ma­ti­on! For ideas check the role cards of the dif­fe­rent par­ties.