• Writing / Speaking promts
  • pikous
  • 30.06.2020
  • Englisch
  • 2. Ausbildungsjahr
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When was the last time you ... ?

1. go to a good restaurant
2. kiss somebody
3. cook something
4. have a party
5. buy chocolate
6. win a game
7. play with lego bricks
8. ride a bike
9. do gymnastics
10. dance
11. watch TV
12. listen to music
13. get a present
14. read a book
15. write a letter
16. visit relatives
17. meet an old friend
18. eat fast food
19. wash the dishes
20. take a photo
21. see a movie
22. tidy your room
23. save money
24. help in the garden
Choose five of the activities and write full sentences.
Find answers to the question 'When was the last time you ...?'
  • use complete sentences in the simple past tense
  • include past time expressions
  • give extra information
Listen to an example and write down what you hear.

The last time I saved money was three months ago. My grandma gave me € 50 for my birthday and I put them into my piggy bank.

The last time I listened to music was yesterday. I listened to the new Ed Sheeran song on Youtube.





