• The Passive - Exercise
  • anonym
  • 30.06.2020
  • Englisch
  • 8
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The Pas­si­ve - Exer­ci­ses

The Beach Party

John and Lily are ha­ving a beach party with their fri­ends at the weekend. They have al­re­a­dy done se­ve­r­al things. Look at the fol­lo­wing sen­ten­ces and com­ple­te them with the ac­ti­ve or pas­si­ve form of the word in bra­ckets. Re­mem­ber to use the cor­rect tense.

1) Some tents (put up) by John and his fri­ends. They will try slee­ping in them tonight.

2) Cindy (bring) the meat for the bar­be­cue, to­mor­row.

3) The cock­tails (mix) by Todd.

4) Be­fo­re they de­ci­ded on ha­ving a beach party, other op­ti­ons for a party (talk about).

5) Lots of fruit (must -cut) for the fruit salad.

6) Chris­ti­na (get) a new ca­me­ra for her bir­th­day. She will take pic­tures du­ring the party.

7) The music, you are hea­ring at the mo­ment, (play) from CD.

8) The flow­ers for the gar­lands (not ar­ri­ve - yet).

9) The tor­ches on the beach (light) yes­ter­day evening. They loo­ked beau­ti­ful.

10) While Lily (de­co­ra­te) the beach hut this mor­ning she (dis­turb) by her rin­ging cell­pho­ne all the time.

The Storm

Last night, a ter­ri­ble storm hit the small vil­la­ge of Upper Eas­ton. The strong winds blew away the roofs of se­ve­r­al houses. The rain that fol­lo­wed floo­ded the ba­se­ments of five homes in the vil­la­ge cen­ter. The “Gol­den Lion Inn”, the local pub, suf­fe­red the most da­ma­ge. The flood fil­led the cel­lar of the old buil­ding and wa­te­red down the stocks of ale and wine. Out­si­de Upper Eas­ton the storm has blown down a large oak tree. The tree trunk is blo­cking the road to Lower Eas­ton and pos­si­b­ly will do so for se­ve­r­al more hours. The po­li­ce and the local fire bri­ga­de will clear the road as soon as pos­si­ble. The autho­ri­ties ask dri­vers going from Len­sing­ton to Bridge­field to use the si­gned out di­ver­si­on.

You are doing an in­tern­ship at a local radio sta­ti­on and have just re­cei­ved the news re­port about the storm last night. Un­for­t­u­na­te­ly, Alan, the sta­ti­ons news­cas­ter, doesn't like the text. He asks you to put in to the pas­si­ve voice to make it sound more news like.
  • Put the text into the pas­si­ve voice. You can di­vi­de sen­ten­ces if you want to, but all in­for­ma­ti­on must
    be in­clu­ded.
  • Dein Freund Max in­ter­es­siert sich sehr für dein Prak­ti­kum. Lei­der spricht er nicht so gut Eng­lisch.
    Des­halb bit­tet er dich die über­ar­bei­te­te Nach­rich­ten­mel­dung zu über­set­zen.
Put the fol­lo­wing sen­ten­ces into the pas­si­ve voice. Leave out the by-​agent if it is pos­si­ble.
Levi Strauss
  1. Levi Strauss in­ven­ted the blue jeans.
  2. Our teacher told us that we will go on a trip.
  3. After a thief had sto­len my bike I went to the po­li­ce.
  4. Alex and I are ha­ving a party next week.
  5. I will give Mom a book for her bir­th­day.
  6. Ever­y­bo­dy can un­der­stand that text.
  7. Many people like wat­ching foot­ball.
  8. Some­bo­dy will play the piano.
  9. They are buil­ding a new school next to our house.
  10. Greg and Lou haven't done the work by them­sel­ves.