• Handout
  • Charlyj
  • 30.06.2020
  • Sonstige
  • Englisch
  • B2
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Fu­ture ten­ses


There are dif­fe­rent ten­ses to ex­press an ac­tion re­fer­ring to the fu­ture.

The fol­lo­wing table shows five dif­fe­rent fu­ture ten­ses.

Simp­le fu­ture

Going to-​future

Fu­ture con­ti­nous

Fu­ture per­fect

Fu­ture per­fect con­ti­nous

will + in­fi­ni­ti­ve

to be (am, are, is) + going to + in­fi­ni­ti­ve

will be + pre­sent parti­ciple

will have + past parti­ciple

will have been + pre­sent parti­ciple

I will watch

I am going to watch

I will be wat­ching

I will have wat­ched

I will have been wat­ching

- re­fers to an event that will pre­su­mab­ly hap­pen so­me­time in the fu­ture

- can ex­press spon­ta­neu­os de­ci­si­ons

- ex­pres­ses a fir­med plan or event in the fu­ture

- de­scri­bes an un­fi­nis­hed ac­tion or event that will be in pro­gress at a time later than now

- re­fers to a com­ple­ted ac­tion in the fu­ture

- re­fers to an ac­tion that is un­fi­nis­hed at the mo­ment but will be fi­nis­hed at some point in the fu­ture

Fill in the gaps. Use the ten­ses Simp­le fu­ture and Going to-​future.

In the sum­mer ho­li­days Lisa (work) in a litt­le Cafe, cal­led La Perla, in Pe­ru­gia in Italy. She (stay) there for three weeks and has al­re­a­dy booked an ac­com­mo­da­ti­on where she (live).

In her free­time she (lay) at the beach and enjoy the warm weather and water. She (visit) some fri­ends in the ne­ar­by city. Maybe she (take) the train one day and meet her aunt at a shop­ping cent­re. Lisa (take) part in an art class at the mu­se­um of fine arts. Hope­ful­ly she (im­pro­ve) her ita­li­an know­ledge.

Cir­cle the right ans­wer.

1. Plea­se don´t dis­turb us today bet­ween 8:00 and 9:00 clock, we (will have , will be ha­ving) an im­portant mee­ting.

2. Mar­cus (will leave , will have left) by next week.

3. By the end of the month, I (will have been stu­dy­ing , will be stu­dy­ing) Latin for three years.

4. Next time Jakob goes out he (will have been wea­ring , will be wea­ring) a suit.

5. I (will have worked , will have been working) in this shop for 15 years when I re­ti­re.

Simp­le Pre­sent

So­me­times we can also use the Simp­le Pre­sent to ex­press so­me­thing that is hap­pe­ning in the fu­ture.

E.g.: The train lea­ves at 9.45 o clock.
