• Red Line 3 Unit 4 Talkwise Stationenarbeit Being Polite Stationenschilder
  • HerrSauer
  • 30.06.2020
  • Mittlere Reife
  • Englisch
  • 7
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The Su­per­mar­ket

A shelf with water in it.
a cas­hier
50 pound note
50 pound note
A coin.

Do you ac­cept cash?

Ak­zep­tie­ren Sie Bar­geld?

Tou­rist in­for­ma­ti­on Cent­re

A shower
Three-​bedded room (3 people can sleep here)
A rack (to put clo­thes on)
A row of people

In a re­stau­rant

Pep­per and Salt
Turn down the vo­lu­me of the Radio! (Schal­te das Radio lei­ser!)
A mi­cro­wa­ve

You can re­he­at food in a mi­cro­wa­ve

Man kann in einer Mi­kro­wel­le Essen wie­der auf­wär­men!

At the news­agent's

air mail sti­cker - Luft­post­auf­kle­ber
50 pound note
A coin.
Par­king Meter

At the Rail­way sta­ti­on

We have a spe­cial offer!

Wir haben ein Son­der­an­ge­bot!

Trains to Bris­tol leave from Pad­ding­ton Sta­ti­on!

Tube: Ham­mers­mith & City

At the bank

cash ma­chi­ne

You can with­draw money from a cash ma­chi­ne.

Man kann Geld ab­he­ben an einem Geld­au­to­ma­ten

A coin.
50 pound note

Can I cash a che­que?

Kann ich einen Scheck ein­lö­sen?
