• Support-Station
  • anonym
  • 30.06.2020
  • Allgemeine Hochschulreife
  • Englisch
  • 9
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Need help fin­ding the rule? No pro­blem, use the sup­port cards if you are ha­ving trou­ble!
  • Have a look at support-​card I first.
  • Should you still have trou­ble, use support-​card II to help you out!
Found the rule? Great! Use the support-​cards to check yours­elf!
  • Have a look at support-​card I first.
  • Use support-​card II to make com­ple­te­ly sure you found the right me­a­ning of the dif­fe­rent forms!
  • In case you missed so­me­thing wri­ting down the rule, make sure you add im­portant aspects to your so­lu­ti­on!
Work toge­ther with your part­ner.
One of you is part­ner A, the other is B.


Do the Speaking-​Tandem first.
  • Read the in­struc­tions on the works­heets ca­re­ful­ly be­fo­re you start. Part­ner A be­gins.
    Give each other enough time and let your part­ner try be­fo­re you give each other the so­lu­ti­ons.


Now, do the Writing-​Tandem.
  • Again, read the in­struc­tions on the works­heets ca­re­ful­ly be­fo­re you start. Take some time to write your sen­ten­ces on your own. After that, com­pa­re your re­sults.
    Again, give each other enough time and let your part­ner try be­fo­re you give each other the so­lu­ti­ons.
Done with ever­y­thing? Good job! Find ano­ther couple and, as a group, start play­ing the Expert-​Extra!
Have fun!
Bus Sta­ti­on
Wait here until some one else comes over. Then team up end get star­ted with the fol­lo­wing...


First, check with your part­ner whe­ther you have un­der­stood the gram­mar cor­rect­ly. Then, try and for­mu­la­te a rule toge­ther. Con­sider func­tion and form!


Go over to the Support-​and-Check-Station to eit­her get tips for for­mu­la­ting the rule or to check what you have worked out toge­ther.
Fol­low the in­struc­tions on the Support-​and-Check-Station sign!


Go over to the Tandem-​Practice-Station toge­ther. There, you will get some prac­ti­ce of using the new gram­mar. Sim­ply fol­low the in­struc­tions on the Tandem-​Practice sign!
You are done with ever­y­thing? Well done! The Tandem-​Practice-Station will tell you what to do!