• Present Simple vs Present Progressive
  • anonym
  • 30.06.2020
  • Allgemeine Hochschulreife
  • Englisch
  • A2
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Pre­sent Simp­le (long-​term)

1) We use the pre­sent simp­le for facts:

  • Sally speaks French and Ger­man.
  • Water boils at 100° de­grees.

2) and to talk about our hob­bies, ti­me­ta­bles and things we do re­gu­lar­ly.

  • We study maths on Mon­day mor­ning.
  • I often go swim­ming.
  • The bus lea­ves at 4pm.

3) We usu­al­ly use it with like, love, hate, want, know, think, un­der­stand.

  • Do you like the film?
  • Yes, but I don't un­der­stand the story.

Pre­sent Pro­gres­si­ve (short-​term)

1) We use the pre­sent pro­gres­si­ve for things that are hap­pe­ning now.

  • Jack is spe­a­king to his dad on the phone right now.

2) and for things that are hap­pe­ning around now, but not per­haps at the exact mo­ment.

  • We are buy­ing a new house at the mo­ment.

3) and how life is slow­ly chan­ging (+trends)

  • Child­ren are li­ving at home lon­ger these days.
Si­gnal words

often, al­ways, every day/week/month/year, so­me­times, on Tu­es­days, in the mor­ning/af­ter­noon/evening, at 9:30 pm,...

Si­gnal words

now, this week/month/year, at the mo­ment, these days, no­wa­days, still,...

We nor­mal­ly use the pre­sent simp­le for things that are long-​term and the pre­sent pro­gres­si­ve for things that are tem­po­r­a­ry or dif­fe­rent from our nor­mal lives.

  • Every week, John wri­tes about foot­ball. At the mo­ment, he is wri­ting a book on "Great Ame­ri­can Gol­fers" too.
Ad­verbs of fre­quen­cy

show us how often so­me­thing hap­pens. We often use ad­verbs of fre­quen­cy with the pre­sent simp­le. "Do you al­ways drive to work?"

We use ad­verbs of fre­quen­cy:

* be­fo­re the main verb "Penny never reads the paper on her way to work."

* after the au­xi­li­a­ry verbs be, have, do and modal verbs such as can, will, must, etc. "Frank is often at the gym in the af­ter­noon." "You can al­ways count on me."

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Sor­tie­re die Er­eig­nis­se nach Ihrer Rei­hen­fol­ge!
  • Die be­fruch­te­te Ei­zel­le nis­tet sich in der Ge­bär­mut­ter ein.
  • Die Ei­zel­le wird be­fruch­tet.
  • Der Em­bryo be­wegt Arme und Beine.
  • Das Herz des Fötus be­ginnt zu schla­gen.
  • Der Em­bryo dreht sich im Mut­ter­leib und rutscht in das Be­cken.
  • Die Ei­zel­le teilt sich.
  • Das Baby wird ge­bo­ren.