Text (4)
Thema Klasse 9 + 10 (2)
Mediation (3)
situation; topics; react; ... (1)
Tenses (present, past and future tenses; perfect tenses)
relativ clauses
participles (present & past)
active & passive voice
reported speech
Zusammenfassung & Thema allgemein
eigene Meinung
working with the text (synonyms, opposits, definitions, tenses, grammar...)
What kind of text? (article, blog, webpage, magazine article, diary entry, letter, e-mail, speech, ...)
General topic
structure of the text (beginning -- important main parts/arguments -- ending)
In the beginning; The text starts saying that... / In the first, ... part ... / In the introduction...
the journalist; reporter; author; ...
... writes about, says that, argues that, explains that, points out that ...
In the next part; Then; After that; In addition to that;
In the end...; Finally; At last...; In the final part...
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