• Song: No Roots
  • pikous
  • 30.06.2020
  • Englisch, Musik
  • 3
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No Roots

No Roots is the debut song by German-​Canadian-English singer-​songwriter Alice Mer­ton. Mer­ton co-​wrote the song with pro­du­cer Ni­co­las Reb­scher.

The song was re­leased in Eu­ro­pe in 2016 and has re­ached top ten in Ger­ma­ny, Aus­tria, France, Lu­xem­bourg, Poland, Sl­o­ve­nia and Is­ra­el. The song has re­ached pla­ti­num sta­tus in Ger­ma­ny and gold sta­tus in France.

Alice Mer­ton at the SWR3 New Pop Fes­ti­val 2017
Lis­ten to the 1st verse and fill in the gaps.
High­light and write down words that are new for you.

I like dig­ging and hi­ding things them,

When I'll grow I hope I won't to find them.

'Cause I've got and tra­vel like gyp­sies in the night.

I a home and wait for to tear it down,

Then pack it up in , head for the next town .

'Cause I've got me­mo­ries and tra­vel like gyp­sies in the .

Pre-​Chorus: And a thousand times I've seen this , a thousand times!

Cho­rus: I've got no , but my was never on the ground. (2x)

I've got no roo-​oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oots. (2x)

These are the ly­rics of the 2nd verse. What's the cor­rect order?
  • But I've got me­mo­ries and tra­vel like gyp­sies in the night.
  • Ask me where I come from, I'll say a dif­fe­rent land.
  • I like stan­ding still, but that's just a wish­ful plan.
  • It's just the place that chan­ges, the rest is still the same.
  • But I've got me­mo­ries and tra­vel like gyp­sies in the night.
  • I count gates and num­bers, then play the gues­sing game.
Write down the ly­rics of the Bridge.