• Interviews and reviews about music
  • anonym
  • 30.06.2020
  • Mittlere Reife
  • Englisch
  • 7
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Interviews about music

Prepare to give a feedback based on the given criteria. Make notes in your exercise books.
  • Vocabulary

    During the interview
    Write down expressions or words that were used to talk about music.
    Write down expressions or words that could have been used additionally.

    After the interview
    Give a feedback based on your notes.

  • Authenticity (does it sound like a real conversation?)

    During the interview
    Write down expressions that were used to make the interview authentic.
    Write down expressions that your classmates could have used to make the interview more authentic and interesting.

    After the interview
    Give a feedback based on your notes.

  • Tenses

    Listen carefully to what tenses have been used. Were there any mistakes that you spotted? Give a feedback on how well they used the tenses.

  • Sentence construction

    Listen carefully to how the sentences are constructed. Were there any mistakes that you spotted (e.g. places before times)?

    Give a feedback on the sentence construction.

  • Pronunciation

    What are difficult words that were pronounced well?
    What words weren't pronounced correctly?

    Give a feedback on the pronunciation.

  • Formalities

    Was the interviewee greeted by the interviewer?
    Did the interviewer thank the interviewee? Did he / she say goodbye?
    Did the interviewer react to what the interviewee answered?
    Did the interviewee answer the questions?

Writing a review about a song

Next wednesday, you will write a review about a song of your choice.

As a preparation we will have a closer look at examples of music reviews in your student's book (p.10).

Music review

Critics write a music review in order to give their on a song, a CD or an album. It is generally written in .

Write down expressions (verbs and adjectives) you would use in order to describe songs that you like.
Write down expressions (verbs and adjectives) you would use in order to describe songs that you don't like.
Read the reviews on p.10. While reading look out for other expressions that you could use in your own review. Add these expressions to both of your lists above.
When you give an opinion you usually want to give reasons for them.
List linking words that are used to give a reason below.
Linking words

Linking words are used to connect sentences . They give any text, paragraph or sentence a structure. Using a variety of linking words not only make reading easier but also increase your writing skill!

Read the reviews on p.10 again. This time, look out for other linking words. Write them down and translate them if necessary.