• Interviews and reviews about music
  • anonym
  • 30.06.2020
  • Mittlere Reife
  • Englisch
  • 7
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In­ter­views about music

Pre­pa­re to give a feed­back based on the given cri­te­ria. Make notes in your exer­ci­se books.
  • Vo­ca­bu­la­ry

    Du­ring the in­ter­view
    Write down ex­pres­sions or words that were used to talk about music.
    Write down ex­pres­sions or words that could have been used ad­di­ti­o­nal­ly.

    After the in­ter­view
    Give a feed­back based on your notes.

  • Au­then­ti­ci­ty (does it sound like a real con­ver­sa­ti­on?)

    Du­ring the in­ter­view
    Write down ex­pres­sions that were used to make the in­ter­view au­then­tic.
    Write down ex­pres­sions that your class­ma­tes could have used to make the in­ter­view more au­then­tic and in­te­resting.

    After the in­ter­view
    Give a feed­back based on your notes.

  • Ten­ses

    Lis­ten ca­re­ful­ly to what ten­ses have been used. Were there any mista­kes that you spot­ted? Give a feed­back on how well they used the ten­ses.

  • Sen­tence con­struc­tion

    Lis­ten ca­re­ful­ly to how the sen­ten­ces are con­struc­ted. Were there any mista­kes that you spot­ted (e.g. places be­fo­re times)?

    Give a feed­back on the sen­tence con­struc­tion.

  • Pro­nun­ci­a­ti­on

    What are dif­fi­cult words that were pro­noun­ced well?
    What words weren't pro­noun­ced cor­rect­ly?

    Give a feed­back on the pro­nun­ci­a­ti­on.

  • For­ma­li­ties

    Was the in­ter­viewee gree­ted by the in­ter­view­er?
    Did the in­ter­view­er thank the in­ter­viewee? Did he / she say good­bye?
    Did the in­ter­view­er react to what the in­ter­viewee ans­we­red?
    Did the in­ter­viewee ans­wer the ques­ti­ons?

Wri­ting a re­view about a song

Next wed­nes­day, you will write a re­view about a song of your choice.

As a pre­pa­ra­ti­on we will have a clo­ser look at ex­amp­les of music re­views in your stu­dent's book (p.10).

Music re­view

Cri­tics write a music re­view in order to give their on a song, a CD or an album. It is ge­ne­ral­ly writ­ten in .

Write down ex­pres­sions (verbs and ad­jec­ti­ves) you would use in order to de­scri­be songs that you like.
Write down ex­pres­sions (verbs and ad­jec­ti­ves) you would use in order to de­scri­be songs that you don't like.
Read the re­views on p.10. While re­a­ding look out for other ex­pres­sions that you could use in your own re­view. Add these ex­pres­sions to both of your lists above.
When you give an opi­ni­on you usu­al­ly want to give re­a­sons for them.
List lin­king words that are used to give a re­a­son below.
Lin­king words

Lin­king words are used to con­nect sen­ten­ces . They give any text, pa­ra­graph or sen­tence a struc­tu­re. Using a va­rie­ty of lin­king words not only make re­a­ding ea­sier but also in­crease your wri­ting skill!

Read the re­views on p.10 again. This time, look out for other lin­king words. Write them down and trans­la­te them if necess­a­ry.