• Rak E Eph GK3 Looking for Alaska
  • anonym
  • 30.06.2020
  • Allgemeine Hochschulreife
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Hot seat!


Some stu­dents are put in the po­si­ti­on of the main cha­rac­ters and are in­ter­view­ed by their class­ma­tes.


Put yours­elf in the po­si­ti­on of XY and try and iden­tify with his/her si­tu­a­ti­on, fee­lings and cir­cum­s­tances → deeper un­der­stan­ding!

Main cha­rac­ters: Play the role of your cha­rac­ter. Think about what kind of ques­ti­ons the others could ask you and pre­pa­re with re­gards to the con­tent → work with the text!

Also, try to think about what kind of lan­guage you could need, such as use­ful ex­pres­sions for ans­we­ring ques­ti­ons, buy­ing some time or avo­i­ding cer­tain to­pics.

Do take notes on con­tent and lan­guage!

Pick two ac­tors who will re­pre­sent your cha­rac­ter on the hot seat!

In­ter­view­ers: Think of re­le­vant (!) ques­ti­ons to ask the main cha­rac­ters.

Do take notes re­gar­ding con­tent and lan­guage.

Du­ring the in­ter­view, you will al­ter­na­te­ly ask your ques­ti­ons → ever­y­o­ne will ask at least one ques­ti­on!

Loo­king for Alas­ka


............................ have noti­ced Alas­ka flir­ting with Pudge quite a lot. From their point of view, Pudge seems to fancy Alas­ka and en­joys her flir­ting very much.

They are skepti­cal: Alas­ka does have a boy­fri­end! They won­der what both of them think where this whole thing and their spen­ding Thanks­gi­ving toge­ther is going and con­front them with their thoughts.

Group 1 - Miles
  • You pre­pa­re Miles for the ques­ti­o­ning. Try and stick to the story when ans­we­ring the others' ques­ti­ons. That means that you need to con­sider Miles' point of view and think about what he would ans­wer in that si­tu­a­ti­on.
    Pick two people who will re­pre­sent Miles on the hot seat!
Group 2 - Alas­ka
  • You pre­pa­re Alas­ka for the ques­ti­o­ning. Try and stick to the story when ans­we­ring the others' ques­ti­ons. That means that you need to con­sider Alas­ka's point of view and think about what she would ans­wer in that si­tu­a­ti­on.
    Pick two people who will re­pre­sent Alas­ka on the hot seat!
Groups 3 + 4 + 5
  • You pre­pa­re ques­ti­ons for Miles and Alas­ka from your cha­rac­ter's point of view. Con­sider what kind of ques­ti­ons are re­le­vant at this point in the novel in order for you to find out how the re­la­ti­on­ship bet­ween Miles and Alas­ka might de­ve­lop.
    Think about...

    - Miles' and Alas­ka's fee­lings
    - their cur­rent re­la­ti­on­ship sta­tus
    - their fri­ends' opi­ni­on
    - Jake's si­tu­a­ti­on