• Conditional sentences, type 2
  • anonym
  • 30.06.2020
  • Allgemeine Hochschulreife
  • Englisch
  • 7
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Bedingungssätze, Typ 2

Bedingungssätze vom Typ 2 sind Was wäre, wenn...-Sätze.

Der Sprecher hält es für unwahrscheinlich (oder es ist unmöglich), dass die Bedingung aus dem if-Satz erfüllt wird.


simple past


would/could + Infinitive

If I were Sean,

I would dance with all the other girls.

If I were the DJ,

everyone would look at me.

Fill in the gaps.

If I (go) to the dance, I (fall) on my knees. Then everybody (look) at me, if I (be) on the ground. If they an ambulance, I (feel) so embarrassed. Probably, someone (turn down) the music, if my classmates (build) a circle around me. Then Sean and his friends (laugh) at me, if I (be) in the middle of the room. If the teachers (call) my parents, my entire family (arrive). That (be] even more embarrassing. If I (be) brave, I (go) to the ball, but I'm not.

What if you were Raina?
  • Write a text (at least 6 sentences).
  • Begin with: If I were Raina, I ....