• Do kids know Beatles songs?
  • pikous
  • 30.06.2020
  • Englisch
  • 3. Ausbildungsjahr
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The Beat­les ...

... were an Eng­lish rock band for­med in Li­ver­pool in 1960. With mem­bers John Len­non, Paul Mc­Cart­ney, Ge­or­ge Har­ri­son and Ringo Starr, they be­ca­me wi­de­ly re­gar­ded as the most in­flu­en­ti­al music band.

The Beat­les at JFK air­port - 7th Fe­bru­ary 1964
Watch the video and put the sen­ten­ces of each se­quence into the cor­rect order!
  • Write num­bers!
1. Be­fo­re they lis­ten ...
  • I don’t even know who the Beat­les are?
  • I know who they are.
  • I don’t know their songs. I just know that they play rock music.
2. She loves you
  • I’ve heard this be­fo­re.
  • The be­gin­ning was kind of funky.
  • It wasn’t my fa­vou­ri­te in the world.
  • I’ve never heard this.
  • I think I know this one.
3. Here comes the sun
  • I have no clue what the name is.
  • That was a good song! I like that!
  • It’s re­al­ly good!
  • I’ve heard this song in an ad.
  • Oh, I know this song!
4. Come toge­ther
  • All their songs are re­al­ly dif­fe­rent.
  • One Di­rec­tion is bet­ter.
  • That’s a nice beat!
  • That was re­al­ly cool!
  • It doesn’t sound like The Beat­les.
5. Lucy in the sky with di­a­monds
  • Sounds like Spon­gebob.
  • I should have gues­sed that.
  • I don’t like the be­gin­ning, but to­wards the end it was get­ting bet­ter.
6. Let it be
  • It re­minds me of a church song.
  • I don’t know why, it feels like I have a con­nec­tion to that song.
  • I like this one a lot!
  • I love this song!
8. Hey Jude
  • That was loud at the end.
  • I re­mem­ber the music video for this.
  • I think it’s the worst song of all time.
  • Many cri­tics rate this is one of the gre­a­test songs of all time.
  • This is re­al­ly beau­ti­ful!
7. Yel­low sub­ma­ri­ne
  • The Beat­les have a good ima­gi­na­ti­on.
  • That’s re­al­ly, re­al­ly weird.
  • It seems to be for litt­le kids.
9. After they lis­ten ...
  • They are a lot bet­ter than I ex­pec­ted them to be.
  • That band should have gone on.
  • Some of them were okay, some of them were very bad.
  • Music back then was a lot bet­ter than music today.
Find the cor­rect sen­ten­ces.

Ich habe die­ses Lied in der Wer­bung ge­hört.

Das war ein gutes Lied!

Das war laut am Ende.

Das hätte ich er­ra­ten kön­nen.

Ich weiß wer sie sind.

Klingt wie Spon­gebob.

Es kommt mir ir­gend­wie be­kannt vor.

Das habe ich schon mal ge­hört.

Das ist ein net­ter Rhyth­mus.

Ich glau­be ich kenne es.

Es scheint für klei­ne Kin­der zu sein.

Ich weiß nicht ein­mal, wer die Beat­les sind.

Es er­in­nert mich an ein Kir­chen­lied.

Ich habe keine Ah­nung, wie es heißt.

Ich kenne ihre Lie­der nicht.

Alle ihre Lie­der sind un­ter­schied­lich.

Ich liebe die­ses Lied!

One Di­rec­tion sind bes­ser.

Das habe ich noch nie ge­hört.

Es klingt nicht wie die Beat­les.

Das ist wirk­lich schön!
