• Organizing a Birthday Party 2
  • Ulrike_Jentz
  • 30.06.2020
  • Allgemeine Hochschulreife
  • Englisch
  • 5
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You talk with your fri­end about your bir­th­day party (where?, when?, what can you do?) and your shop­ping list.
Write a dia­lo­gue.

These words can help you:

make sug­ges­ti­ons (Vor­schlä­ge ma­chen)

I think... = Ich denke...

Maybe we buy... = Viel­leicht kau­fen wir...

Do you want to buy...? = Willst du ... kau­fen?

Let's buy... = Lass uns ... kau­fen.

Can we have...? = Kön­nen wir ... haben?

re­ac­tions (Re­ak­ti­o­nen)

Very good. = Sehr gut.

That's too ex­pen­si­ve. = Das ist zu teuer

That's ok. = Das ist ok.

Good idea. = Gute Idee.

I don't like... = Ich mag... nicht.

Prac­ti­se your dia­lo­gue. Can you learn it by heart?