• Christas in the US vs. in the UK
  • tanja.schoettl
  • 30.06.2020
  • Allgemeine Hochschulreife
  • Englisch
  • 2
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Find the dif­fe­ren­ces - Who does what for/at Christ­mas?
  • Nutze dazu das Maß­band



Call Christ­mas Crim­bo

Write let­ters to Santa

Burn the let­ters in the fire

Hang sto­ckings around the fire­place

Hang sto­cking around the bed

Leave milk and coo­kies for Santa

Leave bran­dy and pie

Have Christ­mas cra­ckers

Have Christ­mas hats

Have roas­ted tur­key, sau­sa­ges and po­ta­to­es, ve­g­gies and gravy for din­ner

Have pump­kin pies for des­sert

Have pud­ding for des­sert

The Queen gives a Christ­mas speech

Call the 26th of Decem­ber Boxing Day

Have pan­to­mi­me plays

Put away the tree and de­co­ra­ti­on after 12 days
