• emergency call
  • Anja Böckmann
  • 30.06.2020
  • Englisch
  • 7
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Emergency call

Watch the video
Fill in the missing words

Operator: service, what do you need?

Jane: I need an . My friend fell of a ladder and he is .

Operator: are you?

Jane: We are at our home in London Road 85.

Operator: So the address is London Road 85, is that ?

Jane: Yes. Please come .

Operator: is on the way. Is your friend ?

Jane: Yes, he is. But he stitches.

Operator: is he bleeding?

Jane: He is bleeding from his .

Operator: Okay, don't him and tell him to still.

Jane: Is coming?

Operator: Yes, is on the way.

Missing words

ambulance (Krankenwagen), anyone (irgendjemand), awake (wach),

bleeding (bluten), emergency (Notfall), head (Kopf), help (Hilfe) 2x,

move (bewegen), needs (braucht), quick (schnell), right (richtig),

service (Dienst), sit (sitzen), where (wo) 2x

Keep calm and dial this number

USA: ............................

United Kingdom: ............................

Europe: ............................

Create your own video // stop motion film // common craft style video // photostory etc.
  • You can use the phrases below

Who am I speaking with?

What service do you need?

I need an ambulance.

Where are you?

The address is ...

What's your emergency?

There has been an accident.

Help is on the way.

So the address is ...

My friend is bleeding.

Is she awake?

Is he breathing?

I think the leg is broken.

We are on the playground ... in front of ... next to ...

Okay, don't move her.

How old is your friend?

He's got a wound in his head.

Tell him to sit still and wait for help to arrive.
