• A Raising in the Sun - racism
  • anonym
  • 24.01.2024
  • Englisch
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Some in­for­ma­tion is al­ready given and some in­for­ma­tion is still miss­ing. Fill in the blanks or mark the cor­rect an­swer (more than one an­swer is pos­si­ble)

Karl Lind­ner

What is sus­pi­cous in the ex­cerpt?

be­ne­a­tha's in­ter­ac­tion with Ge­or­ge -> ra­cist ele­ments and how this af­fects their re­la­ti­on­ship

Who does George dis­agree with and why?


How does this af­fect their re­la­ti­on­ship?

Racist el­e­ments of the neigh­bors and the Youngers fam­ily re­ac­tion

re­ac­tion to the racist prej­u­dice re­gard­ing their planned move into the white neigh­bor­hood
In­ter­nal­ized racism

adopt­ing the stereo­typ­i­cal be­liefs against their own eth­nic­ity and then ex­press them against their own com­mu­nity or other groups. It can lead to self-​hatredor ones own eth­nicy.

What is firm­ly ent­ren­ched in the African-​American com­mu­ni­ty?

Ghetto -> racism in Chicago (1950)

What crea­ted the Ghet­tos?

List three dan­ge­rous neigh­borhoods.

To­pi­ca­li­ty -> why is the sub­ject of ra­cism still being ad­dres­sed?

Ra­cism is a si­gni­fi­cant issue in our so­cie­ty, as people are still discri­mi­na­ted against based on ste­reo­ty­pes and pre­ju­di­ces re­la­ted to their skin color, ori­gin, or re­li­gi­on. It is cru­cial to ad­dress this pro­blem to pro­mo­te awa­re­ness and equa­li­ty.

It is im­portant to re­co­gni­ze that, ul­ti­ma­te­ly, we are all human beings of equal worth.
