• A trip that went wrong
  • anonym
  • 28.05.2023
  • Englisch
  • 9
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A really bad day

Yesterday was a really bad day. My friends and I had planned a trip to a theme park and I was really looking forward to it. But when packing my bag to go there, I realised that I had no pocket money left, so I needed to ask my parents for some extra money. They told me to clean the garage to get some extra money, so I started to do that. While cleaning the garage, I dropped a box of tools, so I had to clean up even more.

Finally, I could leave home with the money I needed and took the bus to the city centre. The bus was packed with passengers and the people were annoyed just trying to get in. Sitting on the bus, I remembered that I had left my phone at home, so I couldn't call my friends to tell them that I was late. My friends tried to call me, but they couldn't reach me, starting to worry and becoming angry at the same time.

I was so late that we all missed the train to the theme park. While walking back from the train station, nobody said a word.

Read the text and underline all participle clauses you can find. After underlining them, write down all participle clauses below.
Translate the participle clauses into German. Discuss and compare your results with your neighbour.
Write a text about a trip that went wrong.
  • write at least 10 sentences
  • include as many participle clauses as possible
  • use ideas from the mind map and the tip box below

While packing my bag I .... ; While waiting for the train he / she dropped...

The girl sitting opposite me suddenly looked at me angrily...

Somebody wearing a blue cap asked me a queston...

I heard a boy running towards me...
