• Tenses used in travel blogs
  • pikous
  • 30.06.2020
  • Berufsbildungsreife
  • Englisch
  • 3
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Iden­tify the ten­ses. Use dif­fe­rent co­lours to un­der­line the verbs.
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Going to - Future
Past Simple
Present Perfect
Present Progressive
Present Simple
  • 1. At the mo­ment I'm ha­ving a nice pizza at 'Tony's Kit­chen'.
  • 2. We are going to climb the Mat­ter­horn to­mor­row.
  • 3. This city is ab­so­lute­ly fan­ta­stic!
  • 4. In the mor­ning we took a pu­blic bus to the city cent­re.
  • 5. We are going to spend the fol­lo­wing days on bi­cy­cles.
  • 6. After a very good nine-​hour sleep, I felt ready for the day.
  • 7. Have you ever eaten Sushi?
  • 8. I'm sit­ting in a rail­way sta­ti­on wai­ting for my train to Bath.
  • 9. Is there any other way to de­scri­be Scot­land?
  • 10. We have fi­nal­ly ar­ri­ved at our de­sti­na­ti­on, the Plaza hotel.
Fill in the gaps. Use the ten­ses from exer­ci­se 1.
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1. Did you know that Big Ben once the big­gest bell in the world? (be)

2. We al­re­a­dy two mu­se­ums: the Bri­tish Mu­se­um and Tate Mo­dern. (visit)

3. To­mor­row I a ride on the Lon­don Eye. Yip­pee! (have)

4. I never to a Greek re­stau­rant be­fo­re. (be)

5. Right now we Lon­don from above. (watch)

6. St. Paul's Ca­the­dral so far me away with its be­au­ty and its his­to­ry. (blow)

7. Yes­ter­day John and I to the Tower of Lon­don to the crown je­wels. (go, watch)

8. To­mor­row we a look at Lon­don's hig­hest buil­ding. (have)

9. What are you doing? I the ra­vens and the bee­fea­ters! (feed)

10. What you for your pa­rents? I don't yet. (buy, know)

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