• Find someone who - present perfect have you ever
  • HerrSauer
  • 30.06.2020
  • Englisch
  • 7
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Have you ever...?

Find someone who has done one of the things! For each thing!

Yes, I have!

No, I haven't!

Let me ask a question, too!

... forgotten your homework?


... traveled by plane?


... played golf?


... eaten sushi?


... seen an elephant?


... seen a black-and-white film?


... won a competition?


... met a famous person?


... built a snowman?


... bought something expensive?


... baked a cake?


... run 1 km?


... been to a farm?


... ridden a horse?


... moved house?


What about you?
a) Homework
b) Plane
c) Golf
d) Sushi
e) Elephant
f) Snownman
g) Cake
h) Farm
i) Horse
J) Moving
Now write 9 sentences with the information from no. 1 and 2.
    I have never forgotten my homework, but John has already forgotten his homework!
About you:
Make up 4 things that you haven't done, seen, ... in your life before, but really want to.

Write them down. Look at the example first and use the sentence structure.
    I have never been to London. I would really like to go to London.
London, Westmister at night