• Access 6, Access to cultures, NEW ENGLAND
  • anonym
  • 09.01.2021
  • Englisch
  • 6
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Map of the USA with NEW ENGLAND
How many states are there in New England?
Why did the region play an important role in US-history?
New England has something for everybody: a beautiful rocky coast ....Yale.
Make a wordcloud with the enumerated things in New England and stick it here. (You can use Wortwolken.de or do it by hand)
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  • Nutzen Sie den roten Zauberpinsel oben rechts im Menü des Bausteins, um seinen Inhalt zu leeren.
A mail from Boston: Fill in the gaps:
A [] is the [] animal of Maine. Maine is famous for its [], too, where you can watch boats. You can also try some [] there, for example [], or the famous dessert, [] pie. Yummy!
Vermont is called the ´Green [] State´. In autumn/fall, the leaves have many different []. In Bennington, there´s a historic [] Monument. In Vermont you can also visit ´Ben&Jerry´s´, a famous [] factory. It´s also possible to go on a [] ride over Vermont to have great views of the Green Mountains!

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