• American School System
  • anonym
  • 09.12.2024
  • Englisch
  • 8
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School life in Ame­ri­ca and Ger­ma­ny

After re­a­ding the text in your text­book page 77, find key points about the Ame­ri­can school for each ca­te­go­ry. Fill in the left side of the table on this page.

4 min

Com­pa­re the key points about Ame­ri­can school life with your own one here in Ger­ma­ny. Collect the key points on the right side of the table.

4 min

Ame­ri­can High Schools

Ger­man schools (gram­mar school)

School day from ... to

Num­ber of pe­ri­ods/les­sons each day

Roll call

School Lunch



How do stu­dents get to school?

School events
& ce­le­bra­ti­ons

Roll call

By re­a­ding the names out, so­me­o­ne checks if a stu­dent is pre­sent or ab­sent in class.

Find more impressions of the American school life on TikTok:
