• Assignment: Summary Writing
  • EdaYig
  • 15.01.2024
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Er­satz­leis­tung - As­sign­ment: Sum­ma­ry Wri­ting

Read the fol­lo­wing text ca­re­ful­ly and write a sum­ma­ry that in­clu­des the key in­for­ma­ti­on and events from the text.

Your tasks:
  • Iden­tify im­portant in­for­ma­ti­on:
    High­light the most im­portant de­tails in the story.
  • Di­vi­de the text into sec­tions/ parts:
    • Crea­te di­s­tinct sec­tions for dif­fe­rent parts of the text.
  • Give each sec­tion a head­line:
    • As­sign a brief/ short title to each sec­tion to ca­te­go­ri­ze the con­tent and to show what it is about.
  • Write the sum­ma­ry:
    • Sum­ma­ri­ze the text in your own words in not more than 180 - 274 words.
    • Use lin­king words (list I han­ded out) that con­nect ideas to make your sum­ma­ry smooth and clear.
Your grade will take into ac­count:
  • your high­lights in the text
  • your sec­tions
  • your hea­dings
  • your sum­ma­ry

For sub­mis­si­on, plea­se use Teams.

Note: You are not al­lo­wed to use ChatGPT;
hand­writ­ten in­di­vi­du­al work is re­qui­red.

Sub­mis­si­on dead­line is Ja­nu­ary 7th.

Good Luck!
