• The lost parrot
  • pikous
  • 30.06.2020
  • Englisch
  • 1. Ausbildungsjahr
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Read the story The lost par­rot. Then work in groups of four and act out the story.
Scene 1:
It’s ten o’clock in the mor­ning. De­tec­ti­ve Jones is in his of­fice. Sud­den­ly his phone rings.
Good mor­ning. Dre­ad­lock Jones, the world’s best de­tec­ti­ve. How can I help you?
Miss Molly
This is Miss Molly. I can’t find my par­rot, Polly. Plea­se, help me.
Don’t worry, Miss Molly. I can find your par­rot. What is its name again, Penny?
Miss Molly
No, it isn’t cal­led Penny, its name is Polly. P-​O-L-L-Y. A red and blue par­rot.
I see. A par­rot named Polly. Is it blue and red?
Miss Molly
Yes, it is.
Sir Toby
Who is on the phone, Molly?
Miss Molly
It’s Mr Jones, grand­pa. The fa­mous de­tec­ti­ve.
Sir Toby
Sher­lock Hol­mes?
Miss Molly
No, not Sher­lock Hol­mes. Dre­ad­lock Jones.
Sir Toby
Ah. I see.
Lis­ten, I have to go now, Miss Molly. Let’s see if I can find your cat!
Miss Molly
It’s a par­rot Mr Jones, re­mem­ber?
Right. Good-​bye!
Miss Molly
It's 5 o'clock so­me­whe­re.
Scene 2:
It’s ele­ven o’clock. Mr Jones is in the park. He pho­nes Miss Molly.
Hello, Miss Molly. This is Dre­ad­lock Jones spe­a­king. I’m in the park. I’m loo­king for your par­rot but Penny isn’t here.
Miss Molly
Polly! It’s cal­led Polly.
Sorry, Miss Molly. Maybe Polly is in the zoo?
Lady Jane
Who’s on the phone?
Miss Molly
It’s Mr Jones again.
Lady Jane
Where is he?
Miss Molly
He is in the park.
Lady Jane
He is in the dark?
Miss Molly
No, he is not in the dark. He’s in the park.
Lady Jane
Aah, the park … What does he do there?
Miss Molly
He looks for my pet.
Lady Jane
He looks for your cat? Where is your cat?
Miss Molly
I haven’t got a cat, grand­ma. I’ve got a par­rot. De­tec­ti­ve Jones is loo­king for it at the mo­ment.
Lady Jane
In the dark?
Miss Molly
Be quiet, grand­ma.
Al­right, Miss Molly, I’ll go to the zoo now. Maybe I can find your par­rot there. Bye!
Suche aus dem Text die eng­li­schen Fra­ge­wör­ter her­aus:
1) wo, 2) wer, 3) wann, 4) was,
5) warum, 6) wie
Scene 3:
It’s one o’clock in the af­ter­noon. Dre­ad­lock Jones is at the zoo. He calls Miss Molly again.
Good af­ter­noon, Miss Molly. Dre­ad­lock Jones spe­a­king. I am at the zoo now.
Miss Molly
Have you found Polly?
No, I’m sorry, I haven’t. There is a par­rot cal­led Penny, but it isn’t red and blue, it’s green and yel­low. I found it at the pets cor­ner next to the café.
Sir Toby
Who are you tal­king to, Molly?
Miss Molly
It’s the de­tec­ti­ve again. He is at the pets cor­ner in the zoo.
Sir Toby
Has he got a pet?
Miss Molly
Have you got a pet, Mr Jones?
A pet? Yes, I have. I’ve got a black cat. It’s cal­led Hot­ter. Parry Hot­ter.
Miss Molly
He has got a black cat, grand­pa. He calls it Parry Hot­ter.
Sir Toby
Harry Pot­ter? I don't like Harry Pot­ter.
Miss Molly
Be quiet, grand­pa.
Per­haps your cat is in the woods, Miss Molly. I’ll go to the woods and look for your cat.
Miss Molly
If you look for a cat you will never find my par­rot! Plea­se, find Polly!
Ah, you’re mis­sing a par­rot, I for­got. I must go now, Miss Molly. I’ll call you later.
Scene 4:
It’s three o’clock. Dre­ad­lock Jones is in the woods. He calls Miss Molly.
Hello, Miss Molly. It’s me. I am in the woods now. I’m loo­king for your cat … err … par­rot.
Miss Molly
Have you seen Polly?
No, not yet. I’m sorry. There are a lot of high trees. Maybe Polly is sit­ting in a tree.
Lady Jane
Who’s on the phone, dar­ling?
Miss Molly
It’s Mr Jones, the de­tec­ti­ve.
Lady Jane
Where is he?
Miss Molly
He is in the woods.
Lady Jane
Why is he in the woods?
Miss Molly
He is loo­king for Polly, I told you.
Lady Jane
He is li­cking a lolly? In the woods?
Miss Molly
He isn’t li­cking a lolly, he’s loo­king for Polly, my par­rot.
Sir Toby
Dolly? Who’s Dolly?
Miss Molly
Be quiet, grand­pa.
Lady Jane
When will he be back?
Miss Molly
When will you be back, Mr Jones?
I don’t know. First I have to find Polly.
Miss Molly
He has to find Polly first. Then he will come back.
Sir Toby
I don’t like black, I love pink!
Miss Molly
Shut up, grand­pa!
Harry Pot­ter
Jolly is li­cking a lolly.