• A poem: They're Awful
  • HerrSauer
  • 30.06.2020
  • Mittlere Reife
  • Englisch
  • 7
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A poem: They're awful (by Max Fat­chen)

Read out the poem and have stu­dents fill the gaps.
Then talk about the con­tent of the poem.
Can they write an op­po­si­te poem? Maybe cal­led They're awe­so­me

I hate them a lot …

People who are al­ways tel­ling the plot.

Of te­le­vi­si­on se­ries,

And how books end,

The menu for din­ner,

Whe­ther it's cold or hot;

Who al­ways want to ride in the front seat of cars,

Whe­ther it's their place

Or not

And who are al­ways in­ter­rup­ting

And shou­ting


I hate the lot.

A poem: They're awful (by Max Fat­chen)

Lis­ten to the poem.
  • Fill in the mis­sing words.
  • What is the poem about?
  • Can you write a poem cal­led They're awe­so­me ?

I them a lot …

People who are the plot.

Of se­ries,

And how end,

The menu for ,

Whe­ther it's ;

Who al­ways want to ride in the ,

Whe­ther it's their


And who are


I the lot.

Do you need help? Here are the words