• My dog’s name is “Cat”
  • pikous
  • 30.06.2020
  • Englisch
  • 1
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Lis­ten to the poem My Dog’s Name Is “Cat” (www.poe­try4kids.com).
What's the cor­rect order of the sen­ten­ces?
  • My bird’s name is “Fish” and my fish is cal­led “Bird.”
  • My dog’s name is “Cat” and my cat’s name is “Dog.”
  • It’s just a tra­di­ti­on my fa­mi­ly has had.
  • I know that you pro­bab­ly think that’s ab­surd.
  • My dad’s name is “Mom” and my mom’s name is “Dad.”
  • My frog’s name is “Mouse” and my mouse is cal­led “Frog.”

tra­di­ti­on - Brauch, Sitte

has had - hat ge­habt

know - wis­sen, ken­nen

pro­bab­ly - wahr­schein­lich

think - den­ken, glau­ben

ab­surd - al­bern, sinn­los

Kenn Nes­bitt. Co­py­right © 2018. All Rights Re­ser­ved.

Write down the sen­ten­ces in the cor­rect order. Mind your hand­wri­ting!
  • Mut­ter
  • Vater
  • Fa­mi­lie
  • Kind
  • father
  • mo­ther
  • child
  • fa­mi­ly
  • Hund
  • Katze
  • Maus
  • Fisch
  • mouse
  • fish
  • dog
  • cat
What goes toge­ther?
  • mum
  • dad
  • father
  • mo­ther
What can you see in the pic­tures?