• Christmas in London
  • anonym
  • 09.12.2023
  • Englisch
  • 6
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Christ­mas in the UK
Lis­ten to the video.
Then ans­wer the fol­lo­wing ques­ti­ons.
On what day do people in the United King­dom ce­le­bra­te Christ­mas?
What are sto­ckings?
A Christ­mas cra­cker is fil­led with...
What does Emily's fa­mi­ly eat at their Christ­mas din­ner?
What time does Emily's fa­mi­ly eat their Christ­mas din­ner?
Christ­mas cra­cker

The Quest for the Christ­mas Cra­cker

Read the text The Quest for the Christ­mas Cra­cker
  • a. Read the text.
  • b. Ans­wer the ques­ti­ons below.

Emily and Jack, two ad­ven­turous fri­ends, were on a spe­cial mis­si­on in Lon­don this Christ­mas. They were on the hunt for a uni­que Christ­mas cra­cker, ru­mo­red to be hid­den so­me­whe­re in the Bri­tish Mu­se­um.

"Ima­gi­ne fin­ding a cra­cker among all these an­cient ar­ti­facts!" Emily said ex­ci­ted­ly as they en­te­red the grand mu­se­um.

The mu­se­um was bust­ling with vi­si­tors, but Emily and Jack were de­ter­mi­ned. They ex­plo­red room after room, mar­ve­ling at the Egyp­ti­an mum­mies and the Greek sculp­tures, but the Christ­mas cra­cker was nowhe­re to be found.

As they wan­de­red th­rough the ex­hi­bits, Jack won­de­red aloud, "What makes this cra­cker so spe­cial?"

"It's said to con­tain a paper crown, a tiny gift, and a Christ­mas joke," re­plied Emily, her eyes spar­kling with ex­ci­te­ment.

Fi­nal­ly, in the sec­tion show­ca­sing Victorian-​era tre­a­su­res, they spot­ted so­me­thing twinkling under a dis­play. It was the Christ­mas cra­cker! Ca­re­ful­ly, they ope­ned it, and out pop­ped a co­lor­ful paper crown, which Jack placed on his head.

Next, they found a small, in­trica­te­ly car­ved woo­den horse – the tiny gift. Emily held it up, ad­mi­ring its de­tail.

Last­ly, they un­fol­ded a piece of paper with the Christ­mas joke: "What do snow­men eat for break­fast? Snowflakes!"

They laug­hed toge­ther, their quest a suc­cess. "This is the best Christ­mas ad­ven­ture we've ever had," said Emily, smi­ling.

Jack nod­ded, "And the best part was ex­plo­ring the Bri­tish Mu­se­um and fin­ding our Christ­mas tre­a­su­re."

As they left the mu­se­um, they felt the magic of Christ­mas all around them, their spi­rits high with the joy of dis­co­very and fri­end­ship.


What were Emily and Jack se­ar­ching for in the Bri­tish Mu­se­um? _______________________


What were some of the things they saw in the mu­se­um? ______________________________


What three items did they find in­si­de the Christ­mas cra­cker? _________________________


What was the Christ­mas joke they found? _____________________________________________


How did Emily and Jack feel about their ad­ven­ture in the mu­se­um?____________________

