• Comparatives and Superlatives of Adjectives
  • anonym
  • 27.01.2024
  • Englisch
  • A2
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Com­pa­ra­ti­ve - Ad­jek­ti­ve mit einer Silbe

-er an­hän­gen

tall - taller

fast - faster

deep - deeper

small - smaller

old - older

slow - slower

Ach­tung: Ver­dop­pe­lung der Kon­so­nan­ten!

big - bigger

fat - fatter

hot - hotter

> für einen Ver­gleich brau­chen wir than (= als)!

The father is tal­ler than his son.

My best fri­end is older than me.

Com­pa­ra­ti­ve - Ad­jek­ti­ve mit zwei Sil­ben

Ad­jek­ti­ve, die auf -y, -le, -er oder -ow enden: -er an­hän­gen

angry - angrier

happy - happier

simp­le - simpler

cle­ver - cle­verer

nar­row - nar­rower

Joe is hea­vier than me.

This exer­ci­se is simp­ler than the one be­fo­re.

> aus y wird i !

Com­pa­ra­ti­ve - Ad­jek­ti­ve mit drei oder mehr Sil­ben

dan­ge­rous, dif­fi­cult, in­te­resting, beau­ti­ful, im­portant, ex­pen­si­ve ...

The book is more in­te­resting than the film.

The ho­me­work was more dif­fi­cult than the exer­ci­se in the book.

more + ad­jec­ti­ve + than

as ... as (gleich wie etwas an­de­res)

zwei Dinge, Tiere, Per­so­nen, die gleich sind

The mouse was as small as the bird.

The spi­der was as dan­ge­rous as the snake.

The boy is as tall as the girl.

Ver­nei­nung: not as ... as

The man was not as fri­end­ly as the woman.

Su­per­la­ti­ve - Ad­jek­ti­ve mit einer Silbe

tall - the tallest

fast - the fastest

deep - the deepest

small - the smallest

old - the oldest

slow - the slowest

The blue whale is the big­gest ani­mal in the world.

Ach­tung: Ver­dop­pe­lung der Kon­so­nan­ten!

hot - the hottest

big - the biggest

fat - the fattest

Su­per­la­ti­ve - Ad­jek­ti­ve mit zwei Sil­ben

heavy - the heaviest

angry - the angriest

nar­row - the nar­rowest

cle­ver - the cle­verest

simp­le - the simplest

The blue whale is the hea­viest ani­mal in the world.

> aus y wird i !

Su­per­la­ti­ve - Ad­jek­ti­ve mit drei oder mehr Sil­ben

the + most + ad­jec­ti­ve

dan­ge­rous - the most dan­ge­rous

im­portant - the most im­portant

in­te­resting - the most in­te­resting

dif­fi­cult - the most dif­fi­cult

ex­pen­si­ve - the most ex­pen­si­ve

beau­ti­ful - the most beau­ti­ful

This spi­der is the most dan­ge­rous ani­mal in the world.


good - bet­ter - the best

bad - worse - the worst
