• Cooperative Story Writing
  • anonym
  • 04.02.2024
  • Allgemeine Hochschulreife
  • Englisch
  • 10
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Toge­ther you are going to fi­nish the short story.
  • Read the be­gin­ning of the short story. Con­ti­nue the story, ma­king sure to in­clu­de the item that was drawn from the story box in your nar­ra­ti­ve.
  • Once your time is up, pass your story to the next mem­ber of your group. Now, read the story you've re­cei­ved and con­ti­nue it, in­clu­ding a new item from the story box. This ro­ta­ti­on con­ti­nu­es until ever­y­o­ne in your group has con­tri­bu­ted to each story.
Locker 160 by Lee Bus­seln

It was my idea, I guess, in the first place. "Let's put a hate note in someone's locker," I said to Julie, half as a joke. We were wait­ing for bio­logy class to begin. She smiled and raised her eye­brows. "An­other one of your great ideas, Karen? Whose locker do you sug­gest we put it in?"

locker -  is a small, lock­able stor­age com­part­ment often found in schools.

to raise one's eye­brows - to show a suprised ex­pres­sion.

Sen­tence starters
  • Little did I know that…
  • Sud­denly, out of nowhere…
  • From the mo­ment we laid eyes on the [item from the story box], we knew that…
  • With a heavy heart, we…
  • Over­whelmed by her feel­ings...
Ad­vise for writ­ing a short story
  • use vivid lan­guage by using ad­ject­ives
  • nar­rat­ive per­spect­ive /

first-​person nar­rator (in this case)

  • make use of dia­logues
  • de­vel­op­ment of sus­pense
  • cli­max / turn­ing point
  • (open) end­ing
