• Facts about Ireland
  • Staufer.Sabrina
  • 30.06.2020
  • Englisch
  • 8
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Fill the gaps! Use the In­ter­net!


The is­land of Ire­land is di­vi­ded into , and .

The four pro­vin­ces are , , and .

How many coun­ties are there in the four pro­vin­ces?

Nor­thern Ire­land

Nor­thern Ire­land is a part of .

The ca­pi­tal is .

The Re­pu­blic of Ire­land

The Irish name for the Re­pu­blic of Ire­land is .

The ca­pi­tal is .

The co­lours of the flag are , and .

The Irish pa­tron saint is .

The na­ti­o­nal ho­li­day is on and it is cal­led .
