Positive words and phrases:
to win (win-won)
to succeed (V)/to be succesful (Adj)/success (N)
to pass (an exam)
I can do it/this!
I will work hard(er) (to work hard)
I will try again (to try again)
I am good at ... (to be good at)
to get better at
to get it right
I'm not good at it yet, but I'm going to work very hard
I don't give up
Negative words and phrases:
to lose (lose-lost) (V)/loser (N)
to fail (failed) (V)/failure (N)
to miss (missed)
I made a mistake (to make a mistake)
I give up (to give up)
I'm not going to try again
I'm rubbish at this!
I can't do it!
to get bad grades
I'm bad at...
to fail (an exam)
You could...
You should...
What do you think about ...?
What if you ...?
I would ....
Why don't you (try) ...?
My idea is to ....
I think you could/should...
One thing you could/should do is...
The best idea/thing is to...
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