• Tenses class 6
  • korou90
  • 30.06.2020
  • Englisch
  • 6
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simple present

+ I play football.

She plays football

- We don't play football.

He doesn't play football.

? Do you play football?

Does he play football?

present progressive

+ We are cooking.

- We aren't cooking.

? When are we cooking?

simple past

+ They watched TV.

They ate popcorn.

- They didn't watch TV.

They didn't eat popcorn.

? Did they watch TV?

Did they eat popcorn?

present perfect

+ She has written a letter.

They have walked in the park.

- She hasn't written a letter.

They haven't walked in the park.

? Has she written a letter?

Why have they walked in the park?

Use simple past OR present perfect.

It (be) a sunny day. Luke and Holly (walk) in the park. They (pack) a picnic basket and blanket and (eat) lunch in the park. Sherlock (be) with them. He (watch) the birds and joggers. He (sleep) all morning before they all (come) to the park. After they (have) a great lunch break they (go) back to school.

Translate the following sentences into English. Use simple present or present progressive.
  • Sie besucht jeden Tag ihre Großmutter.
  • Wir spielen einmal in der Woche Tennis.
  • Frau Kaiser trägt immer ein Kleid, aber heute trägt sie eine Jeans.
  • Gerade regnet es und die Sonne scheint (to shine).
  • Unsere Familie trifft sich jedes Jahr zu einer großen Feier.
  • Die Schüler arbeiten gerade an einer schwierigen Aufgabe.