• Early finisher: Wortfeld
  • anonym
  • 12.03.2023
  • Englisch
  • 5
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Early fi­nis­her: World field

Find the 9 mis­sing words in the world field.
Com­ple­te the text. Fill in the mis­sing words from the word field.

Hi, I'm Ruby. I have a dog. His name is   _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _.

On a nor­mal day, he   _  _  _  _  _  _  wakes me up at seven am.

I   _  _  _  _  _  _  _   have break­fast at (7:30) half  _  _  _  _  seven. My mo­ther  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _   makes pan­ca­kes for me and my brot­her Ryan.

Ryan  _  _  _  _  _   gets up be­fo­re (7:15)  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  past seven. At (7:45) quar­ter  _  _   eight, we go to school. After school, Sher­lock is   _  _  _  _  _   wai­ting for us. We come home from school at (1:30)   _  _  _  _   past one pm.

Com­ple­te the text. Fill in the mis­sing words from the word field.

Hi, I'm Ruby. I have a dog. His name is . On a nor­mal day, he wakes me up at seven am. I have break­fast at (7:30) half seven. My mo­ther makes pan­ca­kes for me and my brot­her Ryan.

Ryan gets up be­fo­re (7:15) past seven. At (7:45) quar­ter eight, we go to school. After school, Sher­lock is wai­ting for us. We come home from school at (1:30) past one.
