• English Vocab - Restaurant_Diner
  • anonym
  • 06.11.2023
  • Englisch
  • 4, 5, 6
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Let's Eat!
Or­de­ring in a Re­stau­rant - Part 1
Here is a menu for a small, clas­sic diner. Read th­rough the menu.

Don't for­get to note which op­ti­ons lis­ted under the mains are ve­ge­ta­ri­an!
(Hint: There are two.)

Clas­sic Diner Fa­vo­ri­tes

clas­sic cheese­bur­ger
bacon cheese­bur­ger
ve­g­gie bur­ger
hot dog
gril­led chee­se sand­wich
french fries
sweet po­ta­to fries
chee­se fries
onion rings
pick­les, sweet or sour
Fill in the blanks using the menu above.

Billy has or­de­red a with a side of .

Sally has or­de­red a with a side of .

Ge­or­ge is very hungry and has or­de­red two with a side of .

Madi­son is a ve­ge­ta­ri­an, so she has or­de­red a with a side of and a side of .

Here you should write out your order and the order for two fri­ends you are with. Fol­low this ex­amp­le:
  • I would like a bur­ger and fries.
  • Dani would like a ve­g­gie bur­ger and onion rings.