• Evaluate a Comment
  • Linne
  • 22.05.2023
  • Englisch
  • 10, 11
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Give feed­back to the com­ment. Pay at­ten­ti­on to form, lan­guage, gram­mar and con­tent.



+ ~ -

Suggestion for improvement

Form / Layout

Clear structure / different paragraphs


formal language

linking words


present tense

3rd person singular


reference to the text

personal opinion becomes clear

positive and negative aspects are both mentioned in a balanced argument

the point of view is supported by examples or other evidence

the colclusion is based on the arguments provided

introduction was interesting and captivation

Pro­vi­de your final feed­back.
  • What did you like?
  • What could be im­pro­ved?

“Forty-​five per­cent of teens are on­line ‚al­most con­stant­ly’ – and they don’t know if it’s good for them“.

As­sign­ment: Ac­cor­ding to the author: ‚It is pos­si­ble that teens can­not agree on whe­ther so­cial media are good or bad for them, be­cau­se, at dif­fe­rent mo­ments, they can be both.‘ Com­ment.


In the fol­lo­wing I’m going to com­ment whe­ther teen­agers can agree or can’t agree if so­cial media are good for them and in­clu­ded the article „ Forty-​five per­cent of teens are on­line ‚al­most con­stant­ly’ – and they don’t know if it’s good for them“ writ­ten by Abby Ohl­hei­ser pu­blished in the Wa­shing­ton Post on 31 may, 2018. First off all, so­cial media are the best op­ti­on for hu­mans to ex­press new pos­si­bi­li­ties for their fu­ture. They can find new at­trac­tions and places in the world, which they would never have heard of. And so­cial net­works are often used to find out the ans­wer to ques­ti­ons, when not kno­wing the ans­wer. Most of the people just take out their mo­bi­le pho­nes, type it in and then they can read the ans­wer.

And so­cial media are used to stay in cont­act with your fri­ends, even if they move or tra­vel. But there are also ne­ga­ti­ve points, for ex­amp­le that there aren’t just web­sites with good thoughts, like web­sites where vi­o­lence or se­xu­al con­tent is shown. And it has to be men­ti­o­ned that there are people, most­ly men, who get on these web­sites and don’t do le­gi­ti­ma­te things. On top of that, there are teen­agers, who use so­cial net­work plat­forms to bully their class­ma­tes. For this they use net­works where you can write an­ony­mously. I come to the de­ci­si­on, that so­cial media isn’t a big pro­blem for teen­agers.
